Horoscope for 23rd - 30th of November--each zodiac sign

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Horoscope for 23rd - 30th of November--each zodiac sign

Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sun Jul 02, 2006 11:15 am

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2005 9:24 pm

Aries (Mar. 20--Apr. 19):
News that comes from those at a distance will be changeable as the wind. The same holds true for activities involving the law, internet, education, or publishing. These areas will probably go on hold until you can garner information that is reliable. A standoff between heart and mind keeps you from making decisions.

Taurus (Apr. 20--May 19):
Plan extra time if you are traveling. Timing is a challenge and detours may interfere. The same holds true if others travel to visit you. Pack overnight necessities to keep with your person. You and your luggage might part company for a short time. Take good reading materials to keep you company.

Gemini (May 20--June 20):
Your holiday time will be spent with your significant other. The conversation will drift to the past as the two of you replay precious memories together. Your reflexes are a little off now. Use special caution if you undertake anything potentially hazardous. Your thoughts turn to organizing some of the details of life.

Cancer (June 21--July 21):
Begin early this week to set order to details in your life. By the end of the week it will be imperative that you be capable of laying hands on whatever you need in short order. Some item of paperwork could be mislaid and you can avert the panic search by organizing now.

Leo (July 21--Aug 22):
Life has felt heavy, maybe even grim, since July. Break up the concrete for a few days by doing something totally different. If tradition does not work this year, then pitch it and seek a new experience. Think of a delightful treat and give it to yourself. It is important to be responsible, but we need an escape now and then.

Virgo (Aug. 22--Sep. 22):
This is a good time to make a move toward healing a wound in your family. Do you need to have a heart to heart with one of your children? Now is the time. Talk things over and give everyone an opportunity to express a point of view. Don't press for a wrap-up or a conclusion yet. Leave the subject open for the future.

Libra (Sep. 23--Oct. 22):
Give yourself plenty of time to accomplish whatever is on your agenda. You are not in the flow for the moment, so everything will take longer or be more complex than expected. You have a desire to organize the environment around you. This will work best if you stock up on a variety of organizer helping items before you begin.

Scorpio (Oct. 23--Nov. 21):
Love, romance, and creativity are all given "go" signals. You are taking pleasure in the company of children who share your life. You have a desire to contact friends from the past. There is healing associated with that plan, so go for it. Changing your mind is a Scorpio prerogative right now.

Sagittarius (Nov. 22--Dec. 20):
Be alert for sudden good fortune that all but falls right into your lap. You will have to respond quickly to take advantage of a turn for the better. You will recognize it because very little is required of you in exchange for the positive upturn. A guardian angel has come to visit.

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Capricorn (Dec. 21--Jan. 19):
This period is highly social with shifts and changes of plans from hour to hour. You may experience fatigue and a low level sense of isolation, in spite of all the activity around you. Your inner critic, always terrified that you will fail, is on the loose. Cut it free and enjoy what is going on around you.

Aquarius (Jan. 20--Feb. 17):
There appear to be two sets of experiences occurring in your life right now and they are very different. You have anxiety and fear concerning the outcome of issues around your partner, but this is not new. You are also experiencing something like a celebration related to your life's direction. Rewards are flowing your way.

Pisces (Feb. 18--Mar. 19):
The new you, the one who has become unusually independent and forthright, may be on fire this week. You are not in the mood to tolerate irritants and people may hear about it. Hold onto yourself and do not attack because those who do while Mars is retrograde often pay more than it is worth. Legal, publishing, travel and educational interests are favored.


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