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Why am I like this?

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2020 7:35 pm
by magnezone10
Whenever I (22, male) go without seeing my friends for long periods of time (say a day or two) I get so anxious and depressed. I worry that they're having fun/doing things without me. I feel so left out and like my friends hate me. I can't help but remind myself of all the bad things I did in my life and why I don't deserve to live. Whenever I see my friends with their SO's I get so jealous and envious. I end up only hating and berating myself for having these feelings. In my mind I keep repeating how selfish I am and how much of a bad person I am. I should be feeling happy for them, not being so selfish and thinking only of myself and my needs. I can't help but feel needy and clingy for feeling this envy and jealousy.

Re: Why am I like this?

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2020 5:42 pm
by BryanAA
Man I have the same feeling oftentimes, especially if there is the girl I like in the group. The only remedy that I've found moderately effective is sinking a bit into your hobby/passion/career, it makes you feel stronger and enables you to think that you do not need to see your friends all the time and that sometimes your own company is okay, stay strong!!