I really need help

Shared experiences of life, and the path that has led you to where you are.

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Re: I really need help

Postby cruxeloquens » Mon Aug 26, 2019 2:06 pm

Laura93 wrote:Hello, my name is Laura and I'm 26.
I have a really long list of issues in my life: obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety, panic attacks, 2 major phobias (one for needles, blood and stuff like that, and the other one for being sick in public) and also depression with some suicidal thoughts.
I'm married, but my husband does not know how bad is my depression, because we have a huge fight one time when he said to me that he prefer not to know about it. He changed is mind after some days, but I still can't speak about it with him.
I don't work, so I'm home all day everyday. The only time I get out is to go at the grocery store and to walk my dog.
I feel useless most of the time. I don't want to get up in the morning, because I have no goals in my life. I'm also really alone, I don't have any friends at all.
I was thinking of trying hypnotherapy, but I don't know if it will work for me. Also I'm really afraid of find myself in an uncomfortable situation (my anxiety rise up just thinking about it).
Thank you to anyone who will respond to me.

For years I had anxiety. After a major heart attack i learned that it can be a symptom of heart issues. (even at your age). You need to get out and do something. Sitting around the house all day is not a a good remedy for depression. Set some goals decide on something that you want to accomplish and jump in. It's hard but a lot of what I hear you saying is tied to your life style. I too am afraid of needles. Hypnotherapy is like pills it is a temporary fix you still have to work on the issues you have. I think if you get out and find something that means something to you and you pursue it - I am willing to bet the anxiety, panic attacks, depression, etc... will improve.
I assure you you have value. There are people in this world that care about you even though we do not know you simply because you are a unique creature in this universe. There is only one you. Please let me know if you are feeling better.

Your friend,

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Joined: Mon Aug 05, 2019 4:10 pm

Re: I really need help

Postby Laura93 » Thu Aug 29, 2019 4:12 pm

Hi cruxeloquens and thank you for your advices.
It's really hard to set goals when you have depression, because everything is becoming senseless and all I want to do is lay in my bed and never get up. I never had particular interest in something, but now I lost it even in the small things I used to have it.
I don't know what I'm going to do.
Thank you again for your time.

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Re: I really need help

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Wed Jun 03, 2020 2:04 pm

Laura93 wrote:Hello, my name is Laura and I'm 26.
I have a really long list of issues in my life: obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety, panic attacks, 2 major phobias (one for needles, blood and stuff like that, and the other one for being sick in public) and also depression with some suicidal thoughts.
I'm married, but my husband does not know how bad is my depression, because we have a huge fight one time when he said to me that he prefer not to know about it. He changed is mind after some days, but I still can't speak about it with him.
I don't work, so I'm home all day everyday. The only time I get out is to go at the grocery store and to walk my dog.
I feel useless most of the time. I don't want to get up in the morning, because I have no goals in my life. I'm also really alone, I don't have any friends at all.
I was thinking of trying hypnotherapy, but I don't know if it will work for me. Also I'm really afraid of find myself in an uncomfortable situation (my anxiety rise up just thinking about it).
Thank you to anyone who will respond to me.

You have a husband which is fantastic. You have a partner in crime so to speak. You can confide in him, people say things that were not meant to say in anger. He changed his mind as you said. Take advantage of it. Let him help you on the road to success. Start by saying hello to strangers and then take it from there. Again i say to you. You have a husband, invest in that great opportunity because it will lead to your breakthrough.

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