Jogging/Running/Walking To Feel Better

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Jogging/Running/Walking To Feel Better

Postby BillHicksFan » Fri Jan 04, 2019 4:23 pm

I've been living a very sedentary life and noticed how my body works better when I go out and move around. Of course, I try to rationalize and think "Why didn't I do this when it was warmer" but that's the past, and so for about 4-5 days last week, I'd go for a walk. And on one occasion, when I was near my house, I thought I'd run, just to test myself. I ran out of breath, got inside, and noticed feeling really good, euphoric. I also realized that an hour later I still hadn't turned on the heat (I turn it off when I leave the house) -- and besides saving the money, it also makes me think it's the reason why my feet are always freezing and in pain. During the day, I have a space-heater on almost all day leaving the thermostat at 75 by default (I only turn it for a few hours the minute I wake up frozen).

Of course, not everyone can do this, and hopefully others can chime in and reply with alternative solutions. If you don't wanna leave your house and don't have much space, you could probably dance a bit, and try to exert yourself at the end, to the point of sweating or being exhausted - it feels good.

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