A tragedy in thailand

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A tragedy in thailand

Postby usernameanonymous » Tue Sep 18, 2018 4:04 am

Hello, this is not about me.. Even tho it affects me a lot. Let me say this first, this is a long story so be warned and thanks for listening.

I have a friend, I want her to be anonymous, the same with me, so I can only provide a name associated to her. Let's call her Rachel.

Rachel is a person who never drank alcohol, sometimes a glass of wine. She doesn't smoke nor had anything to do with drugs. She was the nicest, loving girl I ever met. A bit naive but that was just part of her. Her dream was to go abroad for a year after she finished her studys and she wanted to start in Thailand and that is where the horrors began. I never really liked Thailand even tho it is beautiful. It's just such corrupted place and the big cities are just not worth the risk. But I'm not the party guy anyway so I can't understand all the tourists anyway. Now after one month our contact abruptly stopped. After one week I got really nervous because I knew that bad things can happen really fast. another week later the shocking news, she was in jail. She wrote me an email that she was framed by two policemen saying she carried 1.5 grams of HEROIN. Yes the girl who never in her life touched any drugs was supposed to be carrying 1.5 grams of Heroin.. She also wrote that they wanted to have 40000baht upfront and another 30000 "service charges" in order to finish up the case. She had no money and wasn't able to get the money from anywhere so they took her to the station where they talked to some guy and he came with a letter where they wanted her to confirm she is guilty of drug trafficking. She told me they were really aggressive and slapped her a few times. They also said for 100000baht she can just walk out. Since then she spent 2 weeks in a Thai prison and the thing that made me shivering the most was her last sentence

"I want help, but no one listens. I feel like I'm going to die soon.. I'm sick and dizzy. This is the first time they let me contact my family and friends. Please help me".

I immediately asked her parents if they already know and by the looks of their face I could answer that question myself. I am not the most innocent guy out there. I knew what would happen in Thailand and I knew that you have to act fast. I immediately booked a flight to Thailand and I arrived 2 days before her court hearing. I could bail her out with 25000 AUD. I knew they will try to get as much money as possible so I took a private credit from a friend of mine in order to speed up the process. After I bailed her out, they told me that if we try anything they will lock me up for a long time, but I didn't really care. My first idea was to get her a fake ID because they took her passport, but she had a old supposedly lost passport laying at home that she found later on. I took that one with me. I didn't try to book a flight back from Thailand to Australia because I knew we were under surveillance, so I went over detours. I booked a cruise trip that did a small tour over the golf of Thailand and a ressuply in Malaysia. We fled the ship from there and took public transport to Kuala Lumpur where a friend of mine picked us up. We got controls on some checkpoints but since we both had official passports it was no problem getting through(they just took a glimpse at them anyway). We went to the Australian ambassy and they arranged a safe flight home for us. That was 2 years ago. I will never forget the stress and the feeling of being paranoid for over a week. I lost around 40000 dollars, but I don't even care. She would have rotted in jail in this corrupted excuse of a humane country. But the worst part is, her mental health is declining. She had depressions and never wanted to talk about the things she had gone through. She just said it was gruesome and can still feel everything. A once life loving girl who never did anything wrong is just like a dead person now. She has psychiatric counseling but they can't really help her. She tried doing part time jobs, but every inch of stress gives her a complete break down and it's just getting worse. I am really scared for her well-being. I got her out of hell but hell is still in her mind.

I know that no one can really help in this situation but I just need to let of steam. I can't be weak in front of her because I am the only one right now she opens up to a tiny bit right now. Not even her parents can get through to her. It's so sad seeing the misery in her eyes, she must have witnessed something really traumatic. I saw a lot of bruises on her when I first met her in Thailand. I have already been to a human rights organization and all they could tell me was, that there is nothing they can do. There are hundreds of reports of foreigners mistreated and abused in overcrowded prisons and the Thai government doesn't care. I'm banned in Thailand forever and will get jailed immediately when I enter but I don't care. I never wanted to go back to this place anymore anyway.

People should stop supporting this corrupted and hostile system, just because they want to get drunk. There are places that deserve my money but not this one.

Also I knew that the risk was very high. This could have ruined my life as well. But being charged with 1.5 grams of Heroin can bring you in jail for many years. Also she looked like she wouldn't survive another 3 days so I took the chances.

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Re: A tragedy in thailand

Postby CamilaWillaims » Tue Sep 18, 2018 6:40 am

Thanks for sharing your experience and best of luck for your future.

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