
Shared experiences of life, and the path that has led you to where you are.

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Postby love23345 » Wed Aug 15, 2018 6:43 pm

hi there i'm 16, and has recently started taking the combined pill. I knew the risks of this pill but I wanted to be safe. I have never felt so low in myself and I don't even fully understand depression. I feel very hopeless and will cry at absolutely anything, as I had an emotional breakdown to my mum about how I have nothing good going for me and how i'm worthless. She was concerned and noted that we should maybe consider going to the doctors but I don't want that as I'm not sure if i'm depressed. I found that i've been so lazy and i'm trying to stay out of social activities, can someone please help?

Posts: 58
Joined: Fri Jul 13, 2018 7:15 pm

Re: depression

Postby RustyTavern » Wed Aug 15, 2018 7:42 pm


sounds like the pill may not be right for you? an alternative?

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Joined: Thu Mar 15, 2018 11:42 am

Re: depression

Postby Avidreader9559 » Thu Aug 16, 2018 11:56 am

Hi, love23345. I would agree that maybe you need to find an alternative to the combined pill. It seems to be having a lot of negative side effects. I would also agree with your mom. You can talk to the doctor and get some help for the symptoms that you are describing. It is okay if you don't know what it is you are going through. They can help with determining that. Life isn't meant to be lived feeling worthless and hopeless. It isn't meant to be lived in isolation with no energy. Please allow your mom to help you through this time even if it means going to the doctor and finding alternative to what you are taking. Hugs!

Golda Dilema
Posts: 31
Joined: Sun Aug 19, 2018 12:51 am

Re: depression

Postby Golda Dilema » Sun Aug 19, 2018 3:44 am

Hi! I have been depressed too and I have been lazy like you. What helped me was when I wrote down my feelings and what I have been going through. Listening to good music and reading good and positive topics where of help too. Whenever negative thoughts enter your mind switch your thought on your goodness, your strengths and what makes you happy. Do activities that make you happy like watching good movies, exercising, eating, doing a hobby and the like.

Know and remember that you have it in you to win over depression. You were born to be happy. You deserve to be happy. So get up and get out to meet and spend time with your friends and loved ones. Enjoy your life. Be strong. Be courageous. Again, make yourself happy.

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Re: depression

Postby littlestarsmum » Mon Aug 20, 2018 11:37 pm

Welcome to this forum, love23345.
I’m so sorry to hear what you’re going through. Depression is a very complex issue that deserves personal and in-depth attention. I’d suggest that you consider talking with a therapist for your depression. I just said a prayer for you, and I hope God will surround you with His comfort and provide the strength and help you need at this time. Remember that you deserve to feel better and you don’t need to carry your burdens alone. Stay strong. Sending hugs & prayers to you!

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