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Meditation that helped my depression

Posted: Thu Sep 21, 2017 2:17 pm
by Beingloveforall
I battled suicidal depression for most of my life. Thirty years of it, silently. As I got older I tried everything to try and cope. I tried exercising, Becoming vegan and meditating.

The depression eventually starting causing physical symptoms such as memory loss and severe migraine headaches. I eventually went to a neurologist when I was 42 and was clinically diagnosed with extreme depression. Although the migraine medication I was prescribed stopped the headaches, I was perpetually stuck in either being in the darkness or being afraid of it returning.

Until one day I went to meditate and something profound happened to me. This incredible meditation just came to me. Within five minutes, I walked out of the room, went over to my wife who was in the kitchen and told her "something just happened to me."

From that day on my life has never been the same.
After doing the meditation for a few weeks, my depression was completely gone and in its place came a new understanding of who I am, why I'm here and why I even went through the depression to begin with.

I honestly feel that this meditation was a divine gift to me and I need to share it with anybody else who suffers from depression.....

I hope you will try it and see if it helps you as much as it has helped me. I recommend doing it for at least two weeks. You should begin noticing a certain calm and peace.

We are all made out of pure love and light. Our human minds just block that knowing. If you can simply stop your mind from feeding you thoughts (anxiety, worry, regret, etc) you can be your true light and love essence. We are FEELING BEINGS NOT THINKING BEINGS. Stopping the mind's incessant thinking (which is what this meditation does) will allow you to FEEL all of the infinite amount of love in you and around you. Allow yourself to remember and feel all the love within you, then excercise that love and let out as much of it as you can. Let that love that's being trapped by your mind shine and you will heal from within.

Peace, Love and infinite Light!