Suicidal Pregnant

Shared experiences of life, and the path that has led you to where you are.

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Suicidal Pregnant

Postby simeonamarquez » Fri Jul 14, 2017 12:25 am

good day! can i ask a little help? currently i am experiencing depression due to big problems. my choices to end all these sufferings are: end up my life or face the reality. i want to live but i have a very big financial difficulties. i asked help from my relatives and friends and no one helped me. im pregnant and i dont want to die. but committing suicide is the only escape to avoid all these mess. please help.

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Joined: Sun Aug 13, 2017 3:16 pm

Re: Suicidal Pregnant

Postby Gamermana » Mon Aug 14, 2017 5:15 am

Whatever and how much you think of it through...
There are some people who rely on you...
They NEED you...
And i easily can found one who could die with out you

Your child.. :)

Why not give it a last chance!
Who knows maybe its the thing that god blesses you with to show that you still have a chance
You and your son will stand out against whatever happens to both of you and im totaly sure you will be there for them...

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Re: Suicidal Pregnant

Postby lonelyme » Tue Aug 22, 2017 2:19 am

Please, please if you need someone to talk to. Message me. (can you message people on here?) I was in the same boat when I was pregnant. I was alone, I had very little support..I didn't know what to do. I promise it's going to be better. And your have no idea what joy awaits you from your child, or how much love you will experience. I promise you that. My child is the only reason I keep going on. The reason I don't give up. Your child is going to bring so much love into your life. Please message me if you need it.

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