Life is just so unpredictable

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Life is just so unpredictable

Postby Zaack » Thu Aug 29, 2013 12:04 am

Last year I lived very happy and content with what was going on around me socially and with myself mentally. I'm still in high school so you could say things are just starting for me or whatever. This year however I feel like my friends that i used to enjoy being with now only fill me with emptiness as they tend to leave me out of things now. At the moment I'm very depressed, probably more depressed than I've ever been in my entire life.

There's a whole other section onto why I'm depressed as well and here it goes. My girlfriend moved away to a different state about 8 hours away and wed probably see each other once or twice in a couple of months. Here's the part that really sucks. Last time she came back, I just got so into her that we ended up having *protected* sex (1st time for both) but I still feel very stressed/ depressed. Like I've been more scared about this situation than any other one because hell, I could be a dad within a year. It was definatly stupid and I realize that I shouldn't have ever done it without preparing for the consequences. I regret that very much. But you can't change the past. I've been so stressed over the situation and I haven't stopped thinking about how it would affect her life as well as mine forever. Both of our parents would be destroyed if something like that actually happened. I guess it doesn't help that when I told my friends about it that they just laughed.

But I love my girlfriend a lot. And now that she's gone, and my friends are treating me like a joke, I have nothing to look forward to except a lot of stress and depression. This whole thing with my girlfriend happened about 5 days ago so I'm stressed as hell. The thing with my friends has been going on for a couple months. I just decided to join this forum so I could get some support because I'm starting to break down a bit.

Also school right now is not even in my mind so I'm failing basically everything that comes my way right now. That doesn't help at all of course, and the things my parents do because of that don't help either.

I just hope things get better because nothing is at the moment. But I learned the lesson the that you don't know what you have until its gone. I've cried for hours straight because of this and it's getting really hard to take it all in anymore.

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Postby 4EverMe » Thu Aug 29, 2013 11:47 pm

Hello Zaack,
What is done is done. But I can feel your worries...and I will not laugh. Actually, I'm a bit surprised how you're in highchool and care so much aboit consequences! :) NO offense, but most in your age group, nowadays, couldn't care less! (unless it's happening to them) I really don't have a 'feeling' she'll wind up pregnant..BUT if she does, and you DO love her, need I say more? Really, though, I don't think you both will have to worry about that...No matter what, Zaack? ALWAYs keep that love in your heart. Not many young men have that.

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Postby crystalgaze » Fri Aug 30, 2013 1:00 am

That's the kind of anxiety I had for many many years, regarding intimacy. Don't ditch those condoms; you're doing the right thing. Just make sure they are kept well: no direct sunlight, no extreme temperatures, no back pockets, no wallets, etc.

Okay, I'll stop there, lest what I say becomes X-rated.

Regarding your friends, can you find another set? Or do you have a hobby? (Whenever I had any issues, I threw myself into a hobby of some sort.)

Now here's something I'd like for you to think about for a moment. Regarding school, please try to focus and finish--if not for yourself, then for your girlfriend.

It really should be for yourself, as much as possible. School is not for anyone but you. Take care. There's more I would want to say, but it'd have to be in a PM or something.

I'm a lady by the way. It's nice to meet you!

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Postby saragupta » Fri Aug 30, 2013 1:04 am

Last edited by saragupta on Fri Aug 30, 2013 1:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby saragupta » Fri Aug 30, 2013 1:06 am

Hello zaak,
I completely agree with 4everme.
Like she said, no matter shld never die.
Zaak, just promise urself that u will always be there for the love of ur life. I am sure if u both wud be together...then u both can pass through every storm with hand in hand. Okay.
U seem to me a nice guy...because u r not only worried about urself but for her also. Never lose this type of sweet thinking.
God bless u!!

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