Trans-cranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)

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Trans-cranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)

Postby Monty » Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:44 am

Don't know if many people have heard of this therapy. As the subject says it is called TMS.

Has been around since 1984 but they just started doing it in the city that I live in.

I have tried the drug stuff, talk therapy, CBT, and also ECT (electro-convulsive therapy previously known as shock therapy). The only thing that seemed to make the depression easier to handle was my first round of ECT in 2007.

It really seemed to make a difference. For the first time, in about 20 years the depression actually seemed to fade to the background. I was able to come off some of my meds and started to be a person again.

Things got very bad in 2011 and I had around round of ECT. Unfortunately that time it didn't work so I have kind of been floundering since then.

A few months ago my pdoc suggested this different kind of therapy. He figured that it couldn't do any harm and maybe it might give me back my life.

I must admit that I am rather skeptical of this procedure. Involved mapping out my brain, sitting in a dentist like chair still for 23 minutes while they cycle this magnetic energy at a particular part of my brain that they think influences the depressive feelings. I call it my wood-pecker treatment.

I go everyday, 5 times a week. The good thing about it is that it isn't as invasive as the ECT. It requires no anesthetic so I can get up and leave the office right after the treatment.

Friends seem to thing that it has made a difference, a good one. On the other hand I think that I have just become a very angry person. I will yell at pretty well anyone (something that I never did before, always very meek) that gets on my nerves. I also never used to swear. That behavior has pretty well gone by the boards also.

I am wondering if anyone else has gone through this process. Like I said I was very skeptical from the start, even though it is supposed to make a difference in 60% of the people that do this.

I am just worried that I am going to go over the deep end and have to get my family to bail me out of jail for mouthing off at the wrong person.


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Postby dustinthewind » Mon Jul 09, 2012 2:43 am

I've heard of it but never have done it. I'm sorry that your go to treatment didn't work this time. How frustrating! Are your doctors concerned about your side effects? You are in my thoughts!

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Postby Monty » Wed Jul 11, 2012 8:34 pm

You are the first person that I have been in contact with, that has ever heard of the TMS stuff.

I went for my 25th treatment today. My mood has been down this week so the pdoc decided to increase the strength of the procedure.

When I first started, they decided that my threshold was at 50%. No response after 2 weeks so they increased it to 55%. After talking to him today, he decided to increase it to 60%.

It seemed to go ok.

The placement of the magnet is very precise. Once treatment I moved, and my cheek started to twitch. Today none of that happened.

I have 5 more treatments so I guess we will see if there is any improvement.

The anger stuff is still and issue for me but I seem to be keeping things under control.

Next week I am going out of town for, one of, my grand-daughter's 1st birthday party. My kid's dad is going to be there with his girl-friend. It should be a good test of things.

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Postby dustinthewind » Wed Jul 11, 2012 9:04 pm

My last doctor, who was the best one I ever had (he left to run the psych care for the local VA hospital--they are lucky to have him and I am sure he is doing much good there), had recommended it to me as a possibility because I had run through a lot of meds and med combos, but we found one that worked at the time, so I never tried it.

I hope you do see improvement soon. I'm sorry it has been rough for you lately. It is positive that you are feeling in control of your anger. I hope that holds out for your grandchild's birthday. I'll be thinking of you!

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