my story (triggering)

Shared experiences of life, and the path that has led you to where you are.

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my story (triggering)

Postby AmberRose » Mon Aug 13, 2012 6:54 pm

The only person that I have shared my story to is my therapist. I hope it helps me.

When I was 15 I started dating this guy named Scott. I thought he was the love of my life (young love.) We were dating for about a year and he started getting abusive. First it was verbal than it turned physical.

In the long run, about 2 years later my knee would be giving out on me and I had to have knee surgery because the cartilage of my knee was pretty much gone.

Well i don't know what i did to deserve this. I still blame myself to this day.

Why did this happen twice? What did i do to deserve it? I don't understand. I blame myself. I could have done something to stop it. just dumb :(

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Location: East Anglia, UK.

Postby Al » Tue Aug 21, 2012 6:58 pm

You did nothing to deserve it amber, some people just take advantage of love for their own twisted reasons. Many a girl, and a few men, have made the same mistake and many of them put up with it for decades.
We live, we learn. Nothing more we can hope for i think. You should at least be proud that you had the strength to leave him in the end, it is something that takes others far longer.
Ps saw the pic of your puppy, he is adorable :) he won't let you down, that you can rely on. If people were more like dogs the world would be a better place!

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