anyone no about bdd please help?

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anyone no about bdd please help?

Postby trinket » Mon Nov 22, 2010 7:06 pm

heya guys trinket again :)

i just wanted to ask if anyone new much about body dysmorphic disorder (bdd)

i feel i may have it or may get it but its so hard to really know.
im getting worried about it alot more and more.
i have even had the ideas of taking a overdoes
i thought about taking one so people would know how i feel and help
or because i'm not happy, i'm very confused about this.
i have been very irritable and moody lately i snap at people alot.
i have trouble going to sleep because i'm thinking about all of this.

what i want to know is how to explain to someone? i don't want to tell family because i feel weird about them knowing i don't have close enough friends to tell and i don't no how to tell a doctor
I'm quite close to my sister could i tell her?
i don't feel strong enough to do it on my own

if you want to know my reasons for thinking i have body dysmorphic disorder then i will tell you

thank you everyone :)

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Postby crystalgaze » Tue Nov 23, 2010 9:47 am

Hello trinket! ((((((((((( trinket ))))))))))))

What spot/part of your body is it? I take it you are thinking about it a lot? How often?

If you are going to explain it to someone else (your sister, etc.), perhaps you can say something like this: ( ? )

You all get to talking.... Then....

"You know.... This spot on my face really bugs me out. It's been happening for some time. I really thought it would just go away or that I'd work through it eventually. I haven't.

What's happening to me resembles symptoms of something called body dysmorphic disorder (bdd).... I'm thinking of going to the doctor.

You are my dearest sister. I feel very comfortable with you & love you a lot, so I just wanted to share this with you.

You are the 1st person I'm telling because I really don't know how I will explain it to the rest of the family."

Something like that.... ??? Maybe writing a short note would be better? She could read it in your presence & hand it back to you.

You can express your concerns about what's happening in that way maybe???

From what I've glanced at about bdd, many people said Michael Jackson had bdd (which could explain the numerous surgeries & more).

These are just some of my thoughts.... Maybe something here might help you plan what you will do.

Take care!

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Postby trinket » Tue Nov 23, 2010 11:21 am

hi crystalgaze
i have been thinking bout this alot i have become even more detracted and forgetful i was anyway.
i cant sleep because i think to much and i lie down in the day thinking.

there is not much i do like about me manly my face skin, nose, under eyes, top lip, forehead and hair are the main things though.

i have lately been worrying about my weight it has never bothered me before but i think i'm to skinny and i get really upset with comments like your skinny or there is no meat on you that's bits probly silly though.

i heard he did to it should have been known more because he was a great guy and singer.

that sounds good i was thinking about writing a letter and giving it to her in person asking her to read do you think that would be a good idea?
i find it easier to explain.
thank you :)

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Postby crystalgaze » Tue Nov 23, 2010 8:33 pm

The letter might work! I'm glad you have an idea of what you might want to do!

If you can go to a doctor, it might be worth going to see what's said.

((((((((( trinket ))))))))))))

Do take good care! You are fine/wonderful as you are. Start telling people that: "I'm fine just as I am." If they persist: "My weight/etc. is not up for discussion."

Hang in there!

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Thank God there is even one person like me out there!

Postby nadiahoney » Thu Apr 05, 2012 2:45 pm

Hey -- I don't know why but for some reason not many of us on here, but I am sure it's prevalent. Anyone anorexic/addicted to plastic surgery/etc. has body dysmorphia. Look at Courtney Love, for example. It's one reason I hide away from people, and hate myself. I became anorexic for one reason and one reason only: I figured that if I couldn't fix my face, my horrible ugly nose, asymmetry, etc., I could at least have the perfect body. Well...guess what? Anorexia and bulemia makes faces even uglier, saggier, grosser -0 and doesn't really do much for body anyway. So now, what? What can a broke girl do with no money and the ugliest face possible?

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Postby nadiahoney » Thu Apr 05, 2012 2:47 pm

By the way my ex-bf called BD "mirror depression" -- you look at your face/body and get depressed, even if you were fine before. So true. The only cure for it is plastic surgery, imo -- bc I will never ever be fine with my looks as is, I have no skills, no hopes/dreams, all that I used to love, such as reading and writing and art, is done with.

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Postby nadiahoney » Thu Apr 05, 2012 2:52 pm

Oh trinket one more thing -- believe it or not, docs should have learned all about this in med school, it's not difficult to read about, and most people can KIND of relate to it, but they really don't get it. For example, my mom critisizes me about caring too much about my appearance. A lot of people do, but what they aren't seeing is that you can't just stop caring about it. It's like the difference between being sad vs. being hopelessly suicidal -- no one can truly get it, and it gets frustrating. So if you are worried about being judged, but you want to tell yr sister or doc, just get out your psychiatry manuel and point out the definition if someone doesn't understand you spending hours in the bathroom, holding your nose in a certain way til it almost breaks, or getting in a car accident because you are staring at your ugly face in the mirror wishing it would change. I used to do this with body but at almost forty I switched to caring more about my face, but unfortunately that can't be changed with exercise.

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