My story

Shared experiences of life, and the path that has led you to where you are.

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Joined: Sun Nov 18, 2007 11:56 am

My story

Postby annt » Sun Nov 18, 2007 6:28 pm

I have to go back five years .I had a nervous breakdown .I knew something was wrong with me but couldn't get a Dr to tell me .I was 59 years old --very busy with my four grown daughters ,eight grandchildren ,my mother inlaw ,hubby and I started taking care of My husband's aunt by marriage .Her husband died and she didn't have any family .I was just way to busy and covered up with responsibility .I have always been a people pleaser .The Dr put me on a mild antideppressant but the next day I was much worse .I felt like I was falling in a big black hole and couldn't stop .I called my husband at work and just said I need you --come home .I had never done this before so it scared him really bad .We went back to my medical Dr and I told him I didn't know what was wrong with me --I needed help .I ask him to put me in the hospital and find out what was wrong .He told me I couldn't go in the hospital just for my nerves .Then I told him I felt suicidal ---never have I felt this way before .He sent me to a mental health facility .They checked me and said I was deppressed but a Dr wasn't on duty that day .I told her I was suicidal ---she told me the hospital was full that I couldn't be checked in .I would have to wait for a bed so I was sent home to cope with my feelings .I don't feel that deppression is treated in the right way .I didn't feel like I was just deppresed .I finally found a medical Dr that said I had a Nervous Breakdown and he sent me to a psychiatrist.She saved my life with medication and seeing me every week .I stayed in bed for 6 weeks until I started improving .I didn't want to see anyone or talk on the phone but she told me every visit your going to get better .My antideppressant was made stronger every week until I got better .Today I'm still on it and will probably be on it rest of my life .I'm sharing this in hopes I can help someone .I still have periods of anxiety and getting nervous when life puts too much on me .I have to know when to back off .
My psychiatrist told me that she rarely seems someone have a nervous breakdown except when they have gone through something like a death in the family or a loss .She also told me that perfectionist get deppressed most often .That was me --had to help everyone ---fix everything .
I have done great until several months ago .Now I'm having periods of being very tired in the mornings and not very motivated ..I shared this with my Medical Dr last week and he just ignored me .My Psychiatrist left the area so I have to find a new one .Going to start looking on Monday .
If any of you can relate to the tired feeling wish you would reply to me .I look forward to being in the group and exchanging mesages and visiting the chat rooms .

Posts: 2
Joined: Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:31 am
Location: washington

Postby missunderstoodmom » Thu Feb 14, 2008 12:41 pm

I understand the tiredness. Most days I have to force myself to do anything. I can get out of bed, get the kids up and ready for school and take care of the animals...but getting myself to get showered and looking decent is a struggle. I look forward to the weekends because then I know I don't have to get dressed. Often I will stay in my robe and jammies all weekend. Even if I do make it to the shower, I'll just put on clean jammies. I would enjoy talking to you more about this. Take care and good luck finding your new doctor.

Posts: 3
Joined: Sun Nov 18, 2007 11:56 am

Hi Just Me

Postby annt » Fri Feb 15, 2008 12:39 pm

I'm so glad you shared with me what your going through.This sounds like how I felt before my nervous breakdown .Are you seeing a DR ? Are you on antidepressants ?My pschiatrics saved my life .I wouldn't go anywhere or answere the phone .My husband would come home from work and make me get dressed to go for a Drs visit .I didn't wear makeup or fix my hair and also I would not do housework or cook .It was like my body just shut down .This just wasn't me .I stayed in bed nearly all day .I went for weekly vists to the Dr and she would tell me you are going to get better .I felt so unhappy without any reason to be .I have a wonderful family but they didn't understand what was going on .After 6 weeks of feeling this way --one morning I woke up and was back to my old self or even better .My hubby was so surprised when he came home from work .I'm still on my medication and will probably be on it rest of my life but I can live with that .
The best way to deal with deppresion is to start talking with people that have been through it so they understand how you feel .
The Dr decided mine was caused by me trying to take care of everyone except myself .I was just so tired all of the time and I couldn't sleep at
night .I have really done good for 5 years .I have been going through some hard times with one of my daughters .She divorced her abusive husband but she just can't get her life straight .I still have to fight deppresion some but I'm overcoming it .I have learned to live one day at a time and trust God completly .
All of the worry and concern was just making me sick .I'm just seeing a Medical Dr now
I would love to exchange mail with you .
Let me know how your doing .
Ann .

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