The anger

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The anger

Postby AndreaCoe » Wed Jan 20, 2010 3:46 pm

Its the anger that eats away at my rotting body. The people around me Slowly Pushing my buttons for more and lasting anger. Its as if people do it on purpose. I stay in my room from day to day avoiding these problems yet they seem to find their way through the cracks. It truly angers me. I could say a thousand curse words but what good do they do. There mear words that have no meaning thats importan enough for the human race to be using them. I feel like i have a demon inside me. When triggered right it can unleash and give me hell. These thoughts in my head arnt pleasent. All i can say is ive given in to maddness. Well im going now. For a while... Ill be on later thanks for listening. to everyone who cares please dont curse there is no point rather than putting someone or somthing down. :1

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Postby xn728 » Wed Jan 20, 2010 3:56 pm

andrea ,we all care my young freind ,,i care so much for all my freinds i
often hang my head in sorrow and weep ,,for the pain and anger i feel at
not being able to help you ,and my other dear freinds ,,i can only offer to keep you in my thoughts ,,and implore you as i have before ,to seek some outside help ,,your still so young dont be like me ,,dont lose that
child you need to be before you become an adult ,,,i know your strong andrea ,,please stay safe ,,please dont ever think that we /I dont care
because we do a great deal ,,,,,goodnight ,,,,,hugs xn728 xxx

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Postby crystalgaze » Tue Feb 02, 2010 8:48 am

Hi there Andrea! I would say this to you now, after being there myself:

If you can manage your anger better, please do so!

Why? It's as you said: It will eat at you....

That's what it does to me, but I do try to throw it away, since it is junk & not useful to me.

(((((((((((((( Andrea )))))))))))))) A hug for you, just to let you know I'm thinking of you.

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