
Shared experiences of life, and the path that has led you to where you are.

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Postby cuiceds » Tue May 05, 2020 11:34 pm

Hello. I am a girl, 15 years old. I know it's young. I come from a small family, like really small. It's just me and my mom. I'm mostly seen as a happy person from everybody else. But I'm not.

I've been losing myself, I've noticed I'm going numb. I no longer feel any emotion and I just wanna feel. I wanna know why I don't feel and whenever I think about it, I just think I'm just disconnecting myself from previous self.

How do you lose yourself so easily and so slowly without even noticing? I've told my boyfriend, but he has problems of his own like his toxic family at home and the exact same situation. Which is exactly why he asked for a break, now I just feel alone more than ever. I have nobody. I'm all I got but I'm making myself more sad and sad without even having a reason. I just want everything to stop. I want to sleep and never wake up. Have my stupid little dreams. I wanna be happy.

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Joined: Wed May 06, 2020 11:00 am

Re: Alone

Postby TAW » Wed May 06, 2020 11:05 am

Remember you are never alone. God is with you. I remember going through similar emotions at your age and I w ent into a rebellion. Try not to go there as it can affect the rest of your life. Seek medical attention and look for something you are passionate about. Perhaps your school studies. Try to be the very best student you can be. Focus on yourself and you will realize the loneliness will soon disappear. Blessings

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Re: Alone

Postby matt20 » Thu May 07, 2020 5:35 am

You will always have challenges in life but they become easier to manage as you get older. It's especially difficult when you're young because you're experiencing it all for the first time. You just have to take things day by day.

I know it probably sounds dumb but you should focus on your schoolwork and try to pick up hobbies in between. Working on physical fitness is always a good choice too. These things can really boost your self confidence and help you get ahead. Not all of your problems are your fault but there are some things you can still control that will improve your life. An improvement is an improvement no matter how small :D

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Re: Alone

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Wed Jun 03, 2020 11:53 am

cuiceds wrote:Hello. I am a girl, 15 years old. I know it's young. I come from a small family, like really small. It's just me and my mom. I'm mostly seen as a happy person from everybody else. But I'm not.

I've been losing myself, I've noticed I'm going numb. I no longer feel any emotion and I just wanna feel. I wanna know why I don't feel and whenever I think about it, I just think I'm just disconnecting myself from previous self.

How do you lose yourself so easily and so slowly without even noticing? I've told my boyfriend, but he has problems of his own like his toxic family at home and the exact same situation. Which is exactly why he asked for a break, now I just feel alone more than ever. I have nobody. I'm all I got but I'm making myself more sad and sad without even having a reason. I just want everything to stop. I want to sleep and never wake up. Have my stupid little dreams. I wanna be happy.

That is very weird. You and your boyfriend should be coming together in a common aim and that is to help each other in each others lives. You have something alot of people dont and that is a partner to confide in. You need to talk to your boyfriend, and communicate with him and get his support. explain the situation and support each other. If you felft alone with him its because theres no emotion in your relationship. You need to communicate and show affection. Stress and negative thoughts are getting to his head. Dont be apart of the problem, be apart of the solution.

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