I hate this

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I hate this

Postby Hey » Sat Sep 08, 2018 9:02 pm

I am in school for general health and social care and recently I've seen studies on how 80% of happiness is genetic with I find both relieving yet at the same time just crushing. I felt relief because I never understood the reasoning I felt this was in live in a nice house in a financially stable environment with parents that were nice enough that albeit probably should have stopped with my older brother as they can't really handle his behaviour as he was raised the centre of attention and as soon as he lost it he's become shall we say quite the actor (he's 21 by the way) so I thought I didn't deserve it why should I feel sad when others have it much much worse. But on the other hand it leads to the discovery that this probably won't go away bexcuse despite how they act now my parents weren't /aren't happy my mother had suicidal thoughts when she was young and my father is exceptionally high strung and has been on anti depressents for a very long time. I find myself thinking if that's them what hope in hell have I got cause they found solace in each other and medication. I am barely able to leave the house to complete important assignments and I'm pretty sure I've become at least in a borderline sense a pathalogical liar even in the case I was able to see a councillor I was unable to tell the truth about many aspects of my mental health resulting in this being absolutely useless in all honesty I don't know why I'm putting thisome on here I think it's mainly in hopes I can stop thinking about it even for a little bit . Thanks anyone that bothered to make to the end of this shit.

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Re: I hate this

Postby past » Sun Sep 09, 2018 12:39 am

Tell the truth to your counseler, it cant hurt, if your willing to talk here, talking to someone in person cant hurt your chances of feeling better, especially if you are already willing to see them. Just talk, find the root of your problem.

Golda Dilema
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Re: I hate this

Postby Golda Dilema » Sun Sep 09, 2018 4:40 am

I am a person with bipolar so as my father when he was still alive. We all need to be happy. You need to be happy. Happiness is a cure. What are the activities that make you happy? It will do you good if you do them as long as they won't do you any harm. Activities such as exercising, eating your favorite foods, doing your hobbies, shopping, spending time with your loved ones, listening to goos music, aromatherapy, helping others, watching good or funny films or TV shows and the like will so you good. Shift your thoughts to positivity and possibilities. Be happy once again.

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Re: I hate this

Postby j2415 » Mon Sep 10, 2018 1:59 pm

Hi- Sorry for going through this pain. A therapist can help you to feel better and he will teach you to cope with your feelings so please be honest with him. Please keep sharing, we are willing to listen. I hope you will feel encouraged, you will have the support you need and the posts and replies here will be helpful to you.

Try to do things that you will love, dancing to your favorite music or walking outdoors will uplift your mood. Please remain hopeful, you are in my prayers. I hope you will feel better soon. Take care.

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