Surrounded but alone

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Surrounded but alone

Postby leidid » Wed Mar 15, 2017 6:10 pm

Ive been fighting with anxiety for as long as I can remember. I'm currently a college student and constantly worrying of my career. I do have a partner but I don't feel that he really understands what I go through. His way of dealing with issues is by using drugs and I don't understand that and don't live like that. Lately I've been feeling worse and worse and would think having a partner would help. It does not. It really sucks and sometimes I feel more unhappy than anything. Sometimes I just feel as if I was on autopilot all the time. I don't know what else to do and just wish I could leave all my responsibilities behind

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Re: Surrounded but alone

Postby chirantan » Fri Mar 17, 2017 10:08 pm

I understand your problems more than most people here.I have gone through this and am living hellish days now. Every day is like a nightmare.I really feel for you. I know what all this is.Really I know.What can I say dear? I can only pray that all your problems vanish as soon as possible and you see the light of the days of hope again.

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Re: Surrounded but alone

Postby Francybrady » Fri Mar 17, 2017 11:10 pm

I have struggled with anxiety and depression for decades. I have not solved this, but I'm managing it, sometimes better than others. I've had a devoted partner for 20 years...but still, at times feel overwhelmingly and utterly alone. My best advice is you CANNOT expect someone to solve your problems, you CANNOT expect to meet the right person and all of this will disappear. You need to get to know yourself, like yourself, decide what makes you feel fulfilled and pursue it. Take care of you and worry about making others happy second.

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Re: Surrounded but alone

Postby leidid » Sat Mar 18, 2017 10:14 am

Wow Francybrady, I haven't thought about it that way. To be honest it's not the best wake up call but it's true. I tend to do things for everyone else and I'm not really sure what I do for myself. I actually tried thinking of it just now and couldn't think of anything. At times I am happy with my partner but, sometimes my anxiety can get very bad when I'm with him. He's expressed to me that he wants to be there for me and I believe that but, it's been extremely difficult to even picture a future. Anyways thank you for your insight I really appreciate you taking the time to respond to my post.

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Re: Surrounded but alone

Postby Bellahampshire » Wed Apr 12, 2017 6:02 pm


I'm new here and was just browsing through when I came across your post.
Surrounded by alone totally sums up how I feel.
On paper I have a great life but nobody knows what my real life is actually like. I live two lives basically. And my boyfriends no help either, he uses drugs whenever he feels a little down. Similar to what you said yours does.
And he tells me that my depression isn't a real thing and that its all my head. :evil: :evil:
He's not a bad guy he just cannot relate at all. He has a "normal"' life ,gets up and goes to work etc etc, he thinks I do the same but in reality I don't. I stay in bed all day and struggle to do normal things. My depression has made me lose my job, lots of friends, and I'm sure I'll lose my home soon as I cannot get out bed to make any money to pay my rent.
I'm sinking fast.
anyways I just wanted to say that I really can relate to where you are coming from. Surrounded but alone. It's nice to know someone may feel the same as me somewhere and that its not all in my head.

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