Stuck in Development

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Stuck in Development

Postby CitM » Mon Apr 25, 2016 10:04 am

There are many personality development stages just like their are cognitive development stages.

A successful transition through these stages depend on healthy cultures, healthy communities, healthy families and most importantly, a healthy environment and person.

Most people manage to make it through to junior high school as far as development stages, but when it gets to high school, the amount of negative impacts on any person's physiology and brain seem to multiply. For example, the longer one is exposed to toxins in the environment, the more additive the effects.

Drugs, alcohol, cigarettes, high fevers, repeated infections, bad diets, violence, and physical injuries in sports or car accidents can delay maturation that occurs between the ages of 15 to 19 that gets teen to full and responsible adults.

So if you get to college age and find yourself suddenly feeling like you are missing something, find it harder to make friends, notice that others have it more together than you, etc, it might not be your fault directly, it might be that you are in a delayed maturation stage, or in an arrested brain development stage. Either way, you will need medical help and life coaching, maybe even a financial adviser. This sort of thing is not well recognized, yet by society, but we do feel the effects as a society.

People who are not well adjusted can fall victim to violence, cults, crime, poverty, unwanted pregnancies, as well as more drug abuse, and mental illness in adulthood. So it is VERY important that this is recognized as a real issue.

Think of it this way. Think of all the personality and cognitive developments between birth and 8 years of age. If even one of these milestones are missed, you got all sorts of unnerved parents, worried relatives, doctors, therapists, etc. It's noted. And the child is not allowed to sit there for long to struggle on their own. And yet, as many things are going on in a teenager's brain as there was while growing in his early years, yet it is mostly 'ignored' and worse still, the kid is labeled an 'adult' at 18 and it is probably not medically diagnosed until the person is 20. By that time all sorts of personal life damage could have been done along with increased brain trauma. So this is very important that perhaps screening for this is done the end of freshman year or when the person is 19.

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Postby 100footpole » Tue Apr 26, 2016 10:56 am

What an interesting post.

It is not clear to me what are the stages of cognitive development, or what are the stages of personality development.

I think there are limits to what has to be physically present for these to take place. For instance, with cognitive development, it is possible to create the appearance of genius ... like Hans the Horse ... but when they separated Hand from his trainer it was evident that Hans was more empathetic than intelligent.

You are right that personality development is dependent on cognitive development. Cognitive development gives us the feeling that we have some control over our personality development. Sometimes our choices can lead to problems like:

violence, cults, crime, poverty, unwanted pregnancies, as well as more drug abuse, and mental illness

And other times, it feels like the deck is stacked against us. We feel like we "HAVE" to do something. When we lose the feeling of control we have lost our cognitive advantage.

Often people on here talk about "faith" or "lack of faith (nihlism)". For me ""faith" is knowing that the things I do can affect my part of the universe. After that everything else just becomes a logic puzzle, and sheer stubbornness.

Thanks for your post, it really got me thinking.

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