the up keep of iconic red phone box in highgate village

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the up keep of iconic red phone box in highgate village

Postby greenword » Sun Aug 02, 2015 5:46 am

the poetry phone box 31.07.15

in a little paradise
worth more then any wine vintage
well over 2 mill is each house price
you have to see highgate village.
you are up in altitude
the atmosphere is not monotone
but this box is provoking attitude
so boxing in red is not a poem equivalent of rocky stallone.
i don't want to frustrate
or cause any scandal
so once a week with sellotape
causing no damage i will red box poem handle.
this is not soliciting
even if i do internet forum pollute
i want the reader to smile i am admitting
but i am leaving no contact as i am not male prostitute.
please join me next week
i prey you return and don't need a detox
i hope mr ratley and mr sulston don't mind my cheek
it could be one more advantage to this beautiful red box.

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