I just cant deal

Shared experiences of life, and the path that has led you to where you are.

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I just cant deal

Postby yellowtulip89 » Mon Jun 29, 2015 11:23 pm

Im 25 with five kids and an absent husband the past year were have been homeless and now I'm living with a mother in law who hates me and tries anything and everything to bring me down her son which is my husband molested my oldest daughter and is now in jail where he belongs his mother is so angry that she is trying anything and everything to get my kids taken i Have no support right now and sometimes i just don't want to live anymore i love my kids but doing this alone is overwelming i can't handle it depression is settling in again and the motivation is gone. Im in school right now and just want to give up I have cps involved and they keep asking a lot of me when all I'm trying to do is get my life together for my kids. They could care less if i have a job and go to school they just want me to go to see a psychologist and a psychiatrist nothing is wrong with me i just don't have anyone who cares about me and my kids. My brain feels like it's going to explode Im hoping i can come out of this like i usually do but i don't know how. Ugh I Need Help!!

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