Social Phobia and Depression

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Social Phobia and Depression

Postby YuYu » Fri Apr 05, 2013 9:46 am

so here I am again. I mentioned previously on my last post about the situation I was in. Here I am again, updating you guys on my current situation and trying to get help and advice. so please, if you do have any advice please tell me.

So I started going back to college a while ago, and then I realised how far I was left behind. I have tons of lessons to catch up on and the assignments are one of the big problem I'm facing now.

I don't have any friends in this semester and I don't have any friends from my previous class either. I'm repeating this semester as I failed my last one because of my break up. As you all know, after my break up with my girlfriend I was in depression and developed social phobia. I am a shy guy and I already had problems making friends and talking to people and when I actually developed social phobia...I was just...sigh...I can't put how I feel in words. I just...I gave up on life.

Now that I've started attending classes, I feel lonely and left out because I just recently returned to college. I'm scared to talk to people because I'm the guy who came into class in the middle of the semester. My assignments are due this week and I have no idea how to finish them. I have no friends that can help and if my assignments aren't handed in this week. I might fail the semester again.

Sigh, I'm lonely, I feel left out, I can't find a way to complete my assignments, I'm depressed, I'm tired of my life. I really want a best friend. I really want to have someone to talk to and to lean on. I want to study but I'm scared of going to college. If I fail this semester, I won't be able to study anymore as I'm not from a rich family. My dad will stop me from studying. My mum can't support me cause she doesn't work. I can't tell my parents my situation because I don't want to hurt them. Especially my mum, she means the world to me. I really don't want to hurt her. My dad is a guy who doesn't get along well with me, if he knows I failed college. I'll get hit, scolded and maybe kicked out from the house.

I have no one to turn to...I'm just hoping that maybe I could get some help here. What I wrote can't describe how I feel now. I know that my problems may seem stupid to some of you but it really means everything to me.
i'm just a boy who wants to live a happy life.

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Postby Jalapeno » Fri Apr 05, 2013 10:07 pm

Can you e-mail your teachers to ask for some help? They won't give you the answers, but they're typically willing to help explain the assignment in more detail if you're not understanding it. I know I had to send out a lot last semester; programming was hard to get started on!

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