Been dealing with depression since 8 years old

Shared experiences of life, and the path that has led you to where you are.

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Been dealing with depression since 8 years old

Postby livluvdancesjda » Mon Jan 07, 2013 5:55 pm

I know my story isnt as bad as others so please no hate :). When i was 8 years old my dad died of colon cancer, it was really hard on my family and i. I was depressed but since i was a little kid i kinda wasnt depressed any more . I still would get depressed but not nearly as much as now. On January 3rd 2012 i got knee surgery and had to quit dance and acrobatics, so that made me really depressed. Soon after my mom started dating this guy who was abusive to my dogs and was very rude, he propossed to her after knowing her for 3 months and she said yes. My mom broke up with him a few months ago and he kept stalking us so my mom got a restraining order. But what really epresses me is that my mom has "boyfriends" she doesnt tell me but i find out. SHe also doesnt consider them her boyfriends and she has more than 1. She sneaks out of the house at night to go see them and thinks that i don't know. She's never home any more and it gets me really upset, i feel like im being abandoned.

Note: im 13 years old almost 14 and i used to go to a therapist

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Postby jessiela » Thu Feb 07, 2013 5:19 pm

First of all, don't ever compare your "story" to some one else's. You are in the throws of what will cause your break downs later in life and that's why it doesn't seem as bad as everyone else. You have had less years to contemplate it all and you are still living it out.

I'm so sorry your mom is putting you through all the mess. It must be horrible. I do a lot of work with teenage girls and if you ever want to talk I am here! On this website! If no one else gives the time of day by commenting, you know you've got a friend in me! Shoot me a message. I'll be happy to talk. You deserve to have some one to talk to. It must be hard to feel like your mom is some one you can't count on- just know that it has nothing to do with you and it also has nothing to do with how much she loves you. She probably has her own issues that she does not deal with very well. Take care of yourself sweetheart, and know that you are never alone.

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Postby PeaceLove » Sat Feb 09, 2013 12:02 am

*hugs livluvdancesjda* Whether it be the loss of a love one or just a rough day it is all pain that shouldn't be in the world and equally important to cope with. Don't think of your problems as less than anyone else's and "hate" here shouldn't be a concern you are surrounded by supportive individuals that know what you are going through here. :)

Regarding what is bothering you, I can only imagine the depression that surfaced upon hearing you had to quit dancing. Losing a passion is very hard. Have you tried finding something else you can become passionate in though? I say it to everyone as it is one of mine, but what about Art or Writing to release some emotions in a positive way? There are endless others of course its just a matter of finding what you enjoy. Try and explore yourself as a person and discover things that make you happy.

Have you tried discussing how your mom's actions effect you? I know this is a lot easier said than done, but maybe sitting her down and describing your thoughts will help her realize.



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