Prescribed Cipralex -- should I go on it?

Information about depression and other related health issues (includes medications).

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Prescribed Cipralex -- should I go on it?

Postby Soalone » Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:38 pm

I have just been prescribed Cipralex 10mg. Did some research on the net and seems for any anti-depressents, you have to be on it a long time.
Going through a traumatic time (breakup) but always had emotional problems from childhood from family pressures even till today. I guess I am having some anxiety about starting down the anti-depressent path. Just looking for some comments.

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Postby lisalou » Wed Nov 11, 2009 3:40 am

Firstly, welcome to the forum and i hope you find it helpful, we are a friendly lot and love to support each other!

I've been on cipralex before but i'm afraid it was so long ago i can't really remember how i was on it. unfortunately as you've discovered, anti-depressants aren't quick to kinck in and it can be as many as six weeks before you feel the full effect. different medications affect people in different ways and it can be a case of trial and error till you find one that suits you but there are so many different medications now that i'm sure there will be something that can help you. possible side effects include nausea, headaches, sweating, increased anxiety or stomach upsets but only some people get this and it tends to wear off after a little while once your system gets used to the pills. don't want to scare you off but i figure you've got the right to know about all possibilities. are you getting any therapy as well? sometimes doctors just want to medicate you up to the eyeballs but talking about it is also very very important for depression. good luck!!!

Lisa x

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Postby Soalone » Wed Nov 11, 2009 5:09 pm

Lisalou, thank you for the reply.
I am seeing my doctor again on the 13th (Friday) and talking about starting on this path. I did not start, just put the pills in a corner. Also concerned about "finding the right one".
I hope to start therapy and see how it goes.

Lately, I have been reading alot on this subject of depression. Its sad that so many people are affected and how many lives it affects.

But I do appreciate somebody responding.
Thank you.

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