10 ways to tick off a bipolar

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10 ways to tick off a bipolar

Postby dandelion » Wed Nov 25, 2009 1:27 pm

An article by bpcookie

ok, here is my list of 10 ways to tick off a bipolar. Please let us hear your 10 ways.

1. Someone tells you your crazy or nuts.

2. Someone tells you to go talk your tdoc, (because obviously its your problem and not theirs)

3. Someone says "get off your azz and get a job" hhhmmmm good idea, that should cure my Bipolar.

4. Someone tells you that your not really bipolar.

5. Being told "I never said that, you must have imagined it"

6. When your having a bad day and its obvious, your fangs are showing, your claws are out and your eyes are glowing red and yet that is the time that ppl want to bother you the most.

7. Ppl take advantage of your bipolar.

8. Ppl who say that ALL bipolars do this, that, and the other thing, like we are all made from the same mold.

9. When someone says "my spouse/partner left me because THEY were bipolar" its never their own fault, they werent being a jerk or anything, they were totally innocent.

10. When they dont understand what its like to be bipolar and that we can just *snap* out of it any ole time.

So what is your list?

By bpcookie

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Last edited by dandelion on Tue Dec 15, 2009 1:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby crystalgaze » Wed Nov 25, 2009 11:03 pm

Yeah.... I've had some of these happen. I just try to take the good out of it (which can be hard but still I'll try).

My list is probably only 1 thing: when no 1 will hear me. That's about it & even then I usually find something else to do to renew my strength.

Thanks for posting! ;) I can try harder....

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