standing alone

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standing alone

Postby pandalover » Tue Aug 16, 2011 12:38 pm

I feel like I'm standing alone in a crowd full of people that I know. My body wont move or speak. I'm just standinG. Life seems to be happening but I'm not moving. Wat am I doing? Is this what I really want to do? Is this the life I'm suppose to live? Is this the path life had dealt me? Did I leave my husband because I was greedy? Did I change career paths because I'm greedy? Is what I'm doing not good enough for me? But how could I know what's good enough for me if I haven't tried. My life has started while I haven't begun, its just going without me.

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Postby hollyann » Tue Aug 23, 2011 3:47 am

Hi. It probably wasn't that you was greedy. But you weren't feeling satisfied or happy and you thought these changes would make you happy. And only time will tell if you are happy with them. In the mean time you may want to seek counseling or something to find out if there is another cause.


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