Just heard a shocking statistic !

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Just heard a shocking statistic !

Postby Itsonlyme » Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:30 pm

Not sure how true this is.... OR, if its a lot different from other parts of the country, OR, exactly what % of this % is actually REALLY, REALLY freaking lonely and severely depressed about it......

But in any case, I heard that 1/2 of the entire population of Manhattan, lives by themselves ? Really ?

This ^ sounds unbelievably terrible to me.

Sometimes I feel like "I am the only one" who is as lonely / alone as I am. But even when I see evidence, that I am but one of millions of people, who are also desperately lonely, it really doesn't help me to feel any better about it. On the contrary, it makes me feel like, "Well if all of those millions of people haven't been able to fix the problem, its pretty doubtful that I ever will either".

I guess its really not just a "Cold, lonely, me" but rather, a "Cold, lonely world".

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Postby 100footpole » Tue Nov 25, 2014 9:54 am

Want to decompose the Jeezy song "Its a Cold World" in terms of Fergusen and cultural depression? :shock:

When I read your post I thought of the Seinfeld show.

Quotes from the finale:

"Hear me, and hear me well. The day will come. Oh yes! Mark my words, Seinfeld. Your day of reckoning is coming, when an evil wind will blow through your little play world and wipe that smug smile off your face. And I'll be there, in all my glory, watching, watching as it all comes crumbling down."
- Newman, in "The Finale"

"Why would we want to help somebody? That's what nuns and Red Cross workers are for."
- George, in "The Finale"

"But they did not care. They're totally indifferent. All they do is mock me, just like they did the fat fellow. All the time, mocking, mocking, mocking, mocking, all the time. It is Babu's turn to mock."
- Babu, in "The Finale"

"I don't know how, or under what circumstances, the four of you found each other, but your callous indifference and utter disregard for everything that is good and decent has rocked the very foundation upon which our society is built."
- Judge Art Vandelay, in "The Finale"

Personality test: Would you rather be Seinfeld, Elaine, George, Kramer, or Babu 8) ?

Posts: 55
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Postby Itsonlyme » Tue Nov 25, 2014 12:26 pm

Thank you 100ft :)

Probably Seinfeld.

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