Depression & break up

Feelings and emotions regarding depression, anxiety and other health issues.

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Depression & break up

Postby Spillthebeans53 » Sat May 02, 2020 3:19 am

Hey guys, this is my first post on this group But I just need help...

Lately I’ve been extremely depressed, there’s days I’ve wanted to just end it all. I’ve been diagnosed with depression, adhd, and anxiety for a long portion of my life and throughout the constant high school bullying, losing friends and family. I’m still pushing through. I guess and I will soon hopefully be the first in my family with a college degree soon.

But recently I broke up with my girlfriend of three years, I thought it was a good idea, I was losing interest and well she didn’t really treat me well and her dad was an asshole to me. I used to have a bad jealously problem that I fixed with therapy and just years of dating going by, but she would get mad at the fact I would get jealous at all. Even tho I eventually around two years into our relationshipaccidentally found a text around when we first started dating that she still had feelings for a dude she saw. That devastated me because she would constantly text this dude and said he was just a friend.. had him over at her apartment at school with me one time. Same dude tried to get with my sister as well. Story short she blocked him.
Anyways, we broke up but now i feel like I regret it. I can’t stop thinking about her or who she’s with. I got with another girl and I’m with this girl now, but I don’t feel like I have the same feelings/losing feelings for this girl I’m with and I feel terrible about it because I hate hurting people. I saw the other week that my ex saw a dude and I had an instant anxiety attack over it and told the girl I was seeing about my feelings for my ex and she seemed okay with it and that it’s normal. But I don’t know if I even want to be with her anymore I want to make it work. But idk.

With an upcoming 16 hour drive home, and finals this week, and thinking about this I’ve felt more depressed then I have been in a long long time. I need help, in life. I’m so indecisive, I care so much about what others think of me and the choices I make then what I should do that’s best for me. I hate hurting people even tho sometimes you have to. I don’t know what to do. I just need help and someone to talk to. I feel like I just bother my friends everytime I bring this up, so I stopped and now I’ve just bottled up everything like I usually do. Did I make a mistake? Is there anything I can do right....

Posts: 14
Joined: Wed Mar 25, 2020 8:26 pm

Re: Depression & break up

Postby angelo1936 » Sun May 10, 2020 6:28 pm

i totally get how you're feeling.i feel regretful after any of my decisions in life, even little ones, but try not to doubt yourself. this can be very hard sometimes i know, especially if you're dealing with depression, meaning you can feel completely different things at different times, making it hard to know what you actually want! but it sounds like you made the right choice. i think this site can be very useful for those who just want someone to talk to and express their feelings, and even to hear others opinion.

i hope you're okay <3

jessica james
Posts: 25
Joined: Tue Dec 22, 2020 2:46 pm

Re: Depression & break up

Postby jessica james » Thu Mar 04, 2021 2:10 pm

Honey, it's okay. We all go through the same situations post-break-up. And I know how tough it can be. There are a number of cheap or free psychiatrist options you can use online. Sometimes a chemical imbalance in the body can result in depression and anxiety and a need for corrective medication. A psychologist or therapist can help you cope up with depression but if you're not willing to see a therapist, then you can go for other alternative therapy options. It's not about therapy as much as it's about identifying the potential chemical imbalance and fixing it.

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