
Introductions and welcomes.

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Posts: 7
Joined: Wed Jun 07, 2006 7:52 pm
Location: UK

Postby mooclouds » Wed Jul 19, 2006 6:18 pm

Posted: Thu Feb 09, 2006 11:28 am always nervy when i 1st post so if i go off the scale apoligies in advance.

im in the mooclouds (obviously hehe)...known as moochoo in chat...aka cloudwalking on the nest, or, you can just call me debs :)

i suffer with agoraphobia, panic attacks, depression-bipolar 2...and bouts of B.D.D. and bouts of social phobia - omg, i sound like a train wreck!... :oops:

i am on the rd to recovery right now...and even tho tears are shed, and its a heck of a lot of hard work mentally, im enjoying it immensely!

i know a few peeps here already but those of you that im not familiar with, i really look forward to interacting with you, whether it be thru tears, sadness, hysterical laughter and happiness, or a good old fashion chitchat. :wink: inspired me to not be a scaredy cat, and inspired me to introuduce myself. :lol:

it really is lovely to be here...and finally have a chatroom i can chat away in, and most importantly, feel comfortable and safe in.


debs xxx

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