Looking For Others Who Understand

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Looking For Others Who Understand

Postby Dlyn » Tue Sep 18, 2018 10:41 pm

I am a 49 year old married woman with 4 kids. I just recently became an 'almost' empty nester (my oldest still lives home). I have struggled with depression since I was about 14 years old. I have had long periods of relief but, when the depression returns it seems that I go deeper each time. I have experienced and learned much in my years of suffering but, this is the first time I've joined a forum. I'm in therapy but, I wanted to hear and talk to others who know and understand what I'm feeling. My hope is that someone will have a perspective or thought that can be helpful to me and that I can do the same for others.

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Re: Looking For Others Who Understand

Postby littlestarsmum » Tue Sep 18, 2018 11:35 pm

Welcome to this forum, friend. Nice to meet you.
I’m so sorry to hear about your struggles. I know it’s not easy to go through depression. It’s a very complex issue that deserves personal and in-depth attention. It’s good you’re getting help. Please know that you can always come here to share, and I’m sure you’ll find help and support. I said a prayer for you, and I hope that God will provide the strength and help you need at this time. Remember that you deserve to feel better. Take good care of yourself. Sending hugs & prayers your way!

Golda Dilema
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Re: Looking For Others Who Understand

Postby Golda Dilema » Tue Sep 18, 2018 11:48 pm

It is good that you joined this forum. I got depressed too before. Writing a journal helped me cope. You may write your thoughts, feelings, experiences, prayer, favorite quotations and even song lyrics that are helpful to you.

When depression attacks. Know and remember that there is always help.

You need to be happy. It will do you good to do activities that will make you happy. Activities lime having aromatheray, massage, listening to music, reading, doing hobbies, exercising, helping others like volunteering, watching good or funny films, gardening, cooking and many others may make you happy. Enjoy life. Be hopeful and be positive.

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Re: Looking For Others Who Understand

Postby LiveLaughLove2018 » Wed Sep 19, 2018 11:44 am

Yes, I do understand your struggles and I am sorry you have to deal with depression. I am also an empty-nester and at times it can be really hard. I am glad you reached out on this forum. Everyone here is very encouraging, loving and caring. We can relate to your struggles. You are not alone there are people who listen and care about you. I am glad you are in therapy. It is always good to have a professional to provide counseling strategies when going through depression. Are you also on medication? I know that helps the chemicals in my brain keep me balanced. It makes it easier to deal with life when I am balanced and not struggling with depression. I have learned that taking medication for depression is like taking medication for diabetes, it helps keep the chemicals in our body regulated. Also, I have learned to appreciate who I am as a person and not just a mother. I have found things I enjoy like writing, praying with friends, exercising, dancing, and traveling. I think it is important that you remember to give yourself breaks and do the things you enjoy and keep your mind occupied. What do you like to do? It took me a while to really learn what I enjoy. I will be praying for you and if you ever need to talk just remember to reach out here. We are here for you. God Bless. Hugs!!

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Re: Looking For Others Who Understand

Postby KimmyO » Wed Sep 19, 2018 9:16 pm

Hi there , welcome! It is hard when we have given so much to our kids and see the end of raising them near. It is like being in an open field and not knowing which way to go, what to do. We are used to our time taken for others. It is good you are in therapy, take this time for you, work on you, work thru to the other side. Many have found that taking magnesium and ginseng calm the mind body and spirit and get rid of those sticky negative thoughts that loop around. They help a lot! Also, get involved in what you enjoy! Take classes, join groups, volunteer. You will find much joy in helping others after raising your own. You've got this, you will find you enjoy it.

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Re: Looking For Others Who Understand

Postby LiveLaughLove2018 » Mon Sep 24, 2018 11:59 am

How are you feeling this week? Just wanted to let you know you are in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless!

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Re: Looking For Others Who Understand

Postby Juststarfall » Sun Jan 05, 2020 2:01 am

I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder seven years ago. I also have COPD and diabetes. My husband died at age 57 from heart related problems, leaving me alone. I have a son, that I haven't seen or spoken to for years.

My fears come and go. I refuse to leave the house. The problem is that no one will know what happened to me if I die. Yes, I'm only 66 but unless my rent is not paid, no one will check on me.

Do you have any suggestions? It bothers me greatly that I could lie here dead for a month while my cat eats my body. :shock:
I read, I write, but the last friend I had decided to suddenly get married. We used to call each other in the middle of the night when we were bothered, but now that can't happen.

What can I do? Can anyone suggest anything?

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Re: Looking For Others Who Understand

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Fri Jun 05, 2020 4:26 am

Dlyn wrote:I am a 49 year old married woman with 4 kids. I just recently became an 'almost' empty nester (my oldest still lives home). I have struggled with depression since I was about 14 years old. I have had long periods of relief but, when the depression returns it seems that I go deeper each time. I have experienced and learned much in my years of suffering but, this is the first time I've joined a forum. I'm in therapy but, I wanted to hear and talk to others who know and understand what I'm feeling. My hope is that someone will have a perspective or thought that can be helpful to me and that I can do the same for others.

You really need to take advantage of your therapist, and also listen to what she says and think about what she says carefully and question what the person says, so it can bring you closer to the solution.

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