Am i depressed

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Am i depressed

Postby Chocolate36 » Tue May 14, 2019 2:52 pm

I think im depressed but not sure.
Im 36 female lived on my own for years now.
I left my job of 4 years and started a new one . Recently im not getting as much work so im struggling to pay my bills. Im geting behind on bills but i dont want to ask my family for help. My dad has helped a few times before in the past.
Anyway i think im depressed as i have no motivation or energy. I have to push myself to do stuff. I cry easily and i get very irritable. I have started to isolate myself a bit too . Avoiding going to see family as when i do its all fake smiles etc.
There are some times where i feel ok but most of the time i feel as i described.
Im always stressed about money i never have enough left to enjoy myself.
Ive been on dates tryimg to meet someone but nothing works out. My last serious relationship was 4 years ago.
I just feel like my life is going no where. I dont enjoy things anymore as i always have to be caref with money.
Ive started to feel like in the mornings i cant be bothered to do my hair or make up it feels like a task. I still go to the gym a few times a week but i find it boring now.
Could i be depressed? . Im thinking of phoning my doctor tomorrow but last time i tried anti depresents i felt so sick and had insomnia i stopped takimg them.

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Re: Am i depressed

Postby j2415 » Wed May 15, 2019 11:40 am

Hi Chocolate,
I’m sorry for all you are going through. It is better if you can check with your doctor to know what is really going on with your body. I hope you can get the help you need and I pray you will soon get well.

I hope to hear from you again. Please keep sharing. I pray that things will go well with you. God bless.

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Re: Am i depressed

Postby redeemed58 » Thu May 16, 2019 4:27 pm

HI - I am so sorry you are going through such pain. It would be best to go to your doctor. I encourage you to do that and if they recommend anti-depressants, talk openly about other options. Have you considered counseling for yourself during this time? There are probably a lot of things that you might need to work out. But believe me, you can come back from this even stronger. You don't mention if you are a woman of faith. Is there a church or pastor you can reach out to for guidance and counsel? If you are feeling you have no where to turn, you can also call 855-382-5433. This is a toll-free number where you can get a FREE consultation from a licensed counselor who will give you encouragement and hope, and direct you to a local counselor or other appropriate sources of help in your area. May God reach down into your life and give you some hope. You are loved by Him, and you are valuable. He has good plans for your life. Trust in that. I will be praying for you.

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Re: Am i depressed

Postby kenopam » Mon Jun 03, 2019 7:36 pm

Jordan Peterson the Canadian Philosopher said he will always be on antidepressants ! I think there are likely some that you can handle and maybe this is just a depression because of you present situation. I have taken them before for a situational depression and they got me out of it and then I went off of them!
Now i'm dealing with much more of a depression and I'm on antidepressants and one also for sleeping with is also an antidepressant and it works. Good luck!

Regina Quirion
Posts: 15
Joined: Sat Jul 13, 2019 6:18 am

Re: Am i depressed

Postby Regina Quirion » Mon Jul 15, 2019 8:33 am

Get yourself a dog. That will definitely change your outlook on life and the situations that you generally feel down in. meditation and yoga do wonder. It really helps fill positivity inside you. Hope you get better. Dwell on this much neither ignore it. Take it on your stride and look to engage yourself.

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