How long will it take to recover from a depression treatment?

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How long will it take to recover from a depression treatment?

Postby phyllisjo » Tue Feb 13, 2018 6:18 am

Hi! I am 35 years old. I am working in a multinational company. I am a person who gets depressed and anxious about even small things. I sometimes feel miserable and unhappy without even knowing the reason. Nowadays I experience trouble in concentrating in my office works. I am taking a lot of time and effort in completing even a small task. My boss always complains that I am not doing my duties on time. I feel so tired that I find it difficult to get out of the bed. I was a great foodie but these days I struggle to eat food. And I lost 10 pounds within a week due to the change in my appetite. I searched online to know what this sign indicates. And I found that these signs are the symptoms of the persistent depressive disorder. When I discussed this with my hubby, he suggested undergoing depression treatment at a clinic in Aurora. How long will it take to recover from this treatment? Is it worth spending money? Is this treatment effective? Please share your insights!

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Re: How long will it take to recover from a depression treatment?

Postby Olive » Tue Feb 13, 2018 9:35 am

I wanted to say, first, that I’m very sorry to hear about how you’re struggling. Not having an appetite is somewhat of an atypical symptom, one I struggle with too, and people don’t realize how bad this is for your body. I get dizzy spells cuz I won’t eat. Exhaustion and lack of concentration seem like some of the more mild symptoms of depression... but really, those are all about attrition and can leave you with no motivation or energy :/ so, being able to relate to you I just want to say I am sorry and also I want to say that depression is not your fault.

As you can probably imagine, there are a lot of factors that go into a recovery time. The more you try to rush, eh, generally I’d think the less effective treatment will become. If you rush meds you could land in a very uncomforatable situation (in my case, SSRI’s have induced symptoms of mania, which has greatly complicated things for me in the past.) If you rush therapy, you’re not going to be thorough enough to affect lasting improvement.

So you should definitely get yourself help. If you haven’t been in for a physical or had blood work done recently, it would probably be prudent to do so.

Medication and talk therapy (CBT is a common and generally effective form of talk therapy) are the way to go. This is a medical issue, so it is important that you seek help. Depression will compound, as the symptoms will play off of each other, creating darker moods and less activity, so I think setting up an appointment as soon as you can would be a good idea. You need to keep in mind that the cause for depression isn’t pinpointed, so for this reason there is a lot of trial and error. After you start medication, it will take 4 to 6 weeks for the medication to kick in, and it can take months to years to get the right combination.

I’m kinda too tired to read about the clinic you posted, but it doesn’t look like a bad idea. Look around, check your options, like you would if you were looking for a new general practitioner.

I wish you a very speedy recovery, and good luck :)

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