Is seeing friends good for depression?

Depression/anxiety may have touched your family, your friends, yourself; what helps you to deal with it? Sharing is caring!

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Is seeing friends good for depression?

Postby Concernedenby » Tue Jul 04, 2017 3:58 am

Hello, first of all.. I've had a rough night, my girlfriend got very depressed, she got suicidal, luckily we've called her down (friends via phone calls and text)... Sadly, I'm out of my country, hopefully when I go back, her and I will go to a psychologist ASAP...

But the real question..
Since I'm not close, another friend of mine is going to visit her tomorrow, and hopefully talk a bit, the bad part is that she has became very distances from all her friends, she even says she doesn't have friends, this friend of ours is an old friend, we still talk to him every now and then, my girlfriend thinks he hates her, and wants to punch her or something, but that's not true (and I've told her many times); I've known this guy as long as she has, and he really cares for her, even when I told him about her situation he nearly cried (and he's a tough boy), he got concerned and will visit her tomorrow, just wondering, Is this a good idea?

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Quiet Queen
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Re: Is seeing friends good for depression?

Postby Quiet Queen » Tue Jul 04, 2017 4:53 am

I think it's a good idea. If she's still worried don't let him visit she should seek help, Oh tough guy he better have a soft side.

Accidentally didn't read the paragraph right and thought he made her cry but anyways hope it helps.

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Re: Is seeing friends good for depression?

Postby Concernedenby » Tue Jul 04, 2017 5:01 am

Quiet Queen wrote:I think it's a good idea. If she's still worried don't let him visit she should seek help...

She kinda can't seek help, when she does, it's with me, but she can't talk to her family because, to be honest they are terrible, their judge her a lot. And hopefully as soon as I get back, I'll convince her to go to therapy.
Thanks for the reply! :D

Orchaid Lover
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Re: Is seeing friends good for depression?

Postby Orchaid Lover » Thu Dec 14, 2017 5:03 am

Speaking as someone who suffers from depression, it's a hard situation. And it's even harder to convince someone to seek help if they don't feel ready. I'll be honest the only reason I got help was because I'd hit rock bottom and tried to kill myself. For someone in that situation who's family is less than accepting it's hard to feel like you can open up to someone. I will say that seeing friends is incredible helpful. It forces you to see that you aren't alone in a bad situation and you have people who care about you. One of my best friends was in the hospital all with me after my attempt and I can't even begin to express what it meant to me. You could also direct your girlfriend to the forum. It sounds weird but talking with other people who suffer with depression and suicidal thoughts is really beneficial. It reminds you that you aren't the only one who feels like that.
Not sure if any of that was really helpful but I hope it was. Good luck with the psychologist.

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Re: Is seeing friends good for depression?

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Fri Jun 05, 2020 12:47 pm

Concernedenby wrote:Hello, first of all.. I've had a rough night, my girlfriend got very depressed, she got suicidal, luckily we've called her down (friends via phone calls and text)... Sadly, I'm out of my country, hopefully when I go back, her and I will go to a psychologist ASAP...

But the real question..
Since I'm not close, another friend of mine is going to visit her tomorrow, and hopefully talk a bit, the bad part is that she has became very distances from all her friends, she even says she doesn't have friends, this friend of ours is an old friend, we still talk to him every now and then, my girlfriend thinks he hates her, and wants to punch her or something, but that's not true (and I've told her many times); I've known this guy as long as she has, and he really cares for her, even when I told him about her situation he nearly cried (and he's a tough boy), he got concerned and will visit her tomorrow, just wondering, Is this a good idea?

Let the friend know the situation and that he should stress the fact to her that he cares.

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