What are your hobbies/what do you collect?

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What are your hobbies/what do you collect?

Postby Denv12 » Wed Jan 09, 2013 6:47 pm


I thought a postive topic might make everyone feel better.Here's something to think about:
What are your hobbies?
What do you collect?

Feel free to talk about(type)about your hobbies/collections here.

For me,I like some of my old toys I had when I was a kid.I bought copies of the ones I lost.I bought a few of ones I never had.Even bought several copies of one I loved.I still got the old Matchbox toy carry case to keep them in.

I forgot to menition this.I play piano,write music,sing.I have a stage piano,4 track tape deck hooked up to the keyboard,big keyboard amp and a microphone.I'm all set.My loungeroom is full as it is.When I want to play the piano I go into the loungeroom,switch everything on and start playing.I'm a self taught piano player.I even wrote out a way to teach other how to learn to play piano.Its really simple.

I read books so I read up on favourite cars.Kept my favourites.Same with car magazines.Kept my favourite ones going but got a lot I dont want.
I dont use ebay.

I forgot to add this.I collect vinyl records.The old K-tel 70s hit compilation albums.Then I have a stack of old 45s.

Bought books on windows 7 so I needed to learn when I bought this new pc about 6 months ago.

I'm into photography.Had an uncle who worked for a newspaper.Learnt photography at school.Never stopped learning.

If you would like to reply please do.

Last edited by Denv12 on Thu Jan 10, 2013 4:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby nenkohai » Thu Jan 10, 2013 10:02 am


Your post made me smile.

Collections? A number of years back, I collected books published before 1900. These days, I don't really collect.

Today, I do primarily two things.

I make my own incense. Sometimes sell it, more often give it away. Truly a fascinating process. I purchase botanicals and resins from all over the world. I hand grind each and then intuitively combine certain ones in certain proportions. Wet it all down with a hydrolaise (water infused with an essential oil). Kneed. And then roll on to sticks. Let dry a couple days.

Its very meditative and relaxing for me. And other people love it!

The other thing I do is make my own version of the didgeridoo for a local music shop (you may want to google "didgeridoo" for the best possible explanation of what those are). I make two varieties - one kind from plastics like PVC or ABS, the other I handcraft from local hardwoods (maples, poplars, oaks, hickory, cherry). To make the plastic ones extra special, I paint my own art on them. I use acrylics - sometimes via brush, or sponge, and sometimes airbrush. I'll occasionally sculpt on the didge, too... usually a faux fossil or some kind.

Because the didgeridoos sell fairly well at the shop, sometimes my work for them becomes a bit deadline-driven. That sometimes takes away some of the pure joy of it all. But, the money made from my didgeridoos makes my hobbies self-sustaining! THAT is a huge bonus of it all!

Always willing to talk about incense and didgeridoo, so email is welcome!

Thanks for starting the topic, Chris!

Look forward to hearing what other people do!



REply to NK.

Postby Denv12 » Thu Jan 10, 2013 4:23 pm

Thanks NK.What a brilliant thing to do.It must be a great feeling to do this.It sounds very rewarding for you.

I hope others will reply with their hobbie stories too.

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Postby metaLarsllica » Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:20 pm

My hobby used to be to read. I love to read. I like authors like Dean Koontz and James Patterson. I haven't been able to get back into reading in a long time. I don't really know if this is a "hobby" but I also am really into listening to music. I love music, it's the door to the soul.




Postby Denv12 » Thu Jan 10, 2013 8:41 pm


If it makes you feel better I'd call it a hobby.I play piano and I guess thats a hobby.If you're listening to music its still relaxing and therapuetic.That sounds like a hobby.


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Postby stillwaters » Fri Jan 11, 2013 1:09 pm

hi Denv12
What a great idea this was. It has made me feel good reading other hobby ideas. I am kind of like metaLarsllica in that I used to love to read but cant seem to concentrate long enough to do so. I was thinking at this point in my recovery that I no longer enjoy doing many of the things I used to,... yet. I also thought I did not collect anything either and then it hit me. For the last few introspective months I have been collecting ideas and posting them here. I have been doing this as therapy for myself and also to offer ideas and help to others. I dont know if that can be considered a hobby in any sense or not.
Also and more importantly, I have been collecting new friends in the chat rooms. This is a very special collection as it increases in value and size every day but will never be traded.



Postby Denv12 » Fri Jan 11, 2013 3:44 pm

Things like hobbies and nostalgia are real great ideas.I think we need to remember the good times and good things that made us feel better.

Thanks for your reply.

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Postby crystalgaze » Sun Feb 03, 2013 8:20 pm

I used to love reading Dean Koontz as well. :lol:

Oh dear.... I have a long list. :oops:

I used to collect manga/manhwa. I stopped a while back. My favorite is probably Masca (Korean) and Death Note, as they are the only ones I kept. There's supposed to be a sequel to Masca. Maybe I'll be able to get a copy of the series; I don't know. Yul Gang was pretty interesting, but there was a language barrier for me and way too many volumes. (e.g. Banya, Shaolin Sisters, Magic Knights Rayearth I & II, Escaflowne, Yasha, Ryu no Yuigon, Ouke no Monsho) There were a lot of good, not well known ones. Manga/manhwa/comics books really helped me to keep an open mind.)

**What I currently collect are crystals (minerals/stones). Crystals are said to heal. I particularly love Selenite or objects made of or with Selenite. I've had very good experiences with it. Selenite is perhaps Sailor Moon's "Imperium" Silver Crystal, but it's my opinion. In real life and in the manga/anime, selenite and Sailor Moon's legendary Silver Crystal are used to banish darkness.

The Materials collection is in Japanese, so I don't know what the author said. Personally, I think it's a little odd that everyone was fighting over a piece of selenite, when it should have been something in abundance. Maybe in the setting of that manga and anime, Sailor Moon's selenite crystal is the ONLY one left.

**Another thing that I collected and kept are Lady Death and Evil Ernie cards, based off of the comic books. The two are interrelated; it's too complex to explain here I feel. They are a bit macabre; my brother and a pack of chromium cards started me on Lady Death. I had those cards from a child--maybe 9 years old--and just kept them. I think there were about 5 or so cards in a pack. I don't remember. (Oddly enough, they have helped me get through a lot of my depression. You could say it was shock therapy somewhat.)

Elven was like a 4 or 5 comic book series, if I remember correctly. She was a really strong gal (as strong as Prime I believe). I first saw it as a young girl.

**I did have a few Sonic the Hedgehog comics but the only one that really grabbed me that I still remember today was a Princess Sally mini-series (3 comics). The only thing Sonic I have now are a few video games and original soundtracks as well as a Cream plushie. I do love some of the music from the latest games (2006 and Sonic World Adventure). Playing a Sonic game today might give me a seizure (moves too fast)and I'm not good at them either, except for the spin-offs maybe (e.g. Sonic Rivals) and the role playing game for DS.

I don't collect comics anymore.

**Maybe the one anime that I collected as an adult and remembered was Texhnolyze. It was really something. There's this beautiful ending theme by Gackt and an absolutely horrifying storyline. The contrast is powerful, to say the least. It's shock therapy at its best for sensitive folk (also macabre). It also helped with my depression. (I remember I hadn't cried in a long time, as I couldn't feel a thing and it was when I looked at it and heard the ending theme that I just bawled one day.) I don't watch anime anymore.

**Old but functional computers and MS Windows stopping at Windows 7 probably: I still would like to run different versions of MS Windows. There are some old documents I would like to try to recover. I have what I need for the project. 8 is for the Surface, though, in my opinion.

**Essential oils: For health, cleaning and therapeutic purposes; some are even said to help connect one to angels I don't collect now much; I just grab what I can or what I need. Lavender is probably my favorite one of all time. Clove, West Indies Bay and some others are of course pretty good, too.

**The Crow (originally helped me manage with my first bout of depression as a little girl) used to have a mug or two, a keychain from the 2nd Crow movie, a T-shirt, a trading card and a post card, signed by Mark Dacascos; I think I still have the post card. The keychain broke because I used to carry it everywhere. One mug I gave away to a friend, who I am not friends with anymore, & I came across the T-shirt the other day. Unfortunately, it's a bit stained.

**Books (a few of them), especially health ones after being as ill as I was. I've pretty much stopped. I will only grab a book now if I really need one. French verbs anyone?

**Exercise videos: I have way too many in an album. Perhaps the favorite one I did were the ones by Jari Love and the Bellydance Twins. I have pretty much stopped. I ended up with a lot because of my short attention span and wish to have variety. A lot of the videos weren't bad; they were just too long for me.

I think the only thing I can do for an hour straight and not realize it is Wai Lana Beginner's Yoga. It's calming and can be challenging but even then my tolerance is still low.

**Video games I don't collect them anymore, but I have some in an album. My problem is playing through them, as they don't always keep my interest. My favorite one is probably Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 for PSP. That was just beautiful, but how you level up in that game is frustrating.

**Video game sheet music used to play piano; I don't collect them anymore. If I start playing again, I will look for them. I always wanted to play FFX's Zanarkand theme.

**Sailor moon paraphernalia; from tarot cards to manga to the English version comics to the anime to photo books.... I don't do it or have it anymore.

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Postby PeaceLove » Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:39 pm

^^^ that is awesome you are passionate about the topic. I think collecting can be very therapeutic and educational. Plus you have this unique conversation piece in which you can share.

My Passions/interests/whatever you call them is pretty much all over the place haha.

Art of all sorts- From Painting canvas to Origami or Abstract sculptures made out of soda cans. I love to express my emotions through art and its usually in a very "out there cant of way" so how you look at my stuff or read my poems and the meaning that is taken away varies a lot.

Philosophy,Psychology,Gender studies and most of the social and applied sciences- To be honest I am the biggest nerd in the world when it comes to these topics especially dealing with human interaction. The love of these Subjects is countered by my horrible English, and mathematics skills :P

Music- I personally have no music talent at all, but I crave music as an outlet. It helps me escape, and face my issues, it brings emotions to the surface and inspires creative thought for me.

Running- I have been bad with this lately :oops: but I normally love running when I get into the habit of doing it a few times. I used to run races around here that would donate to causes (and get me out of the house and around people) The most I ever got to was Half marathons which is 13.1 miles, I really want to train for a marathon and maybe even take a vacation to run the San Francisco one in the future.

Any ways those are some of mine :D



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Postby Clearist » Fri May 03, 2013 2:44 pm

Well I do horse riding every week, and I've recently started sewing. So far I've made a peg bag ( at school ), in process of making a pillow ( at school ), and a little toy bunny, bunting, and in the proccess of making a bag (them 3 out of school haha)! :)

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Postby jj » Fri May 10, 2013 8:25 am

That's awesome Clearist :) You should get some photo's up in the artwork section so we can all see :)

The only thing I really collect is like...stuff that helps me grow? Not sure if thats the right way of describing it but basically I have a little book, its called a commonplace book, where I collect things like quotes, poems, pieces of advice, lessons i've learned along my journey, my favourite quotes from books.

I'm not a big reader of books but I do really enjoy reading when i do. I am a really big fan of dostoevsky... although ive only read 3 books of his. I just love the story White Nights which i read over and over. But we have his whole collection at home and i want to work my way through it and all the greats and stuff.

I am a massive music fan and i guess my biggest hobby is that i sing classically. I love it so much and really when all goes wrong i can go back to singing as my thing that reminds me of good and things i like and stuff. I love going to gigs of bands i like and i love performing in the classical concerts i do.

I play the guitar and flute and ive written a couple of songs on the guitar that helped me process some feelings and thoughts i was having and stuff. I love indie music and I love bands with boys that play guitars hehe :)


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Postby YugZapad » Wed Nov 20, 2013 6:02 pm

Hey Chris :)

I collect elephant figurines - currently I have around 37. I don't even remember how it started, all I remember was that I was still a kid.

I also collect anything skull-related. Firstly, I just really love the aesthetic look of them. But they also remind me that we are not around forever, and that is not a bad thing. It simply gives a reason to enjoy the small things in life and don't let the negatives consume you.

One of my hobbies is tea. I'm in no way a master, but I do really enjoy the process of buying loose-leaf tea, brewing it in a variety of ways, etc. It's very calming, and always put my mind at ease.

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Postby King of self » Sun Dec 15, 2013 9:38 pm

I collect coins and banknotes. I have around more than 1500 coins from over 180 countries which I have been collecting since I was six year old.
Whenever I come across a coin which I don't have in my collection, I tend to get it instantly lol
I also collect books as well mostly novels.

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Postby 4EverMe » Sun Dec 15, 2013 11:28 pm

Wow, nostalgia of reading Dean Koontz novels. He's so good I could finish one of his books in 2-3 days. Does anyone know if he's still writing? If not, what's the name of the last book he wrote?

Okay, as it relates to other hobbies, in addition to reading...For years, I used to love drawing, singing and writing poetry. I don't draw so much anymore, but love to write. As it comes to singing, I can do this fairly well. (karaoke) at times. Don't ever start smoking when you've been gifted w/a great voice. (My voice, although good, would be much better had I not taken up smoking)!

I love music of various types. I love to decorate, and see this as a hobby, in and of itself. Collecting beautiful antiques is something I've enjoyed, and yes-I decorate with them. :-) Not everything has to be a victorian and/or gothic antique, but have the appearance as such!
I also like to collect Harley Davidson memorabilia. Most biker chics do. ;-) I only wish I could afford to collect the old school choppers! No, I've never owned my own bike, but, hey. I'm happy on the back.

Photography is something I appreciate. Love taking great pics! One quick shot of something beautiful, AND it lasts forever? Can't beat that!
I also enjoy making beaded necklaces, bracelets and anklets, on occasion.
Collage-making is also rewarding. You don't know how complicated it is, until you've actually tried it! However, pictures can be created that are absolutely beautiful!

Did I mention that I collect a lot if music? At the moment, Gypsy is playing off of my Fleetwood Mac CD.
I feel as though I'm failing to recall a couple more hobbies, at the moment...

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Postby emily67 » Tue Jan 27, 2015 5:28 am

i collect tickets.

having never been anywhere special- like a museum or a theatre, i get people to keep the tickets and give them to me.

also along the same lines maps of places and pictures of the grounds

the now music series (best new music 3 times a year), and have them all on cd from now 40

used to collect diffrent types of coins before all the countries (or a good majority of them moved to the euro)

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