Every So Often

Poetry, short stories, paintings, photography, songs – art of all genres.

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Every So Often

Postby hope101 » Sun Mar 09, 2014 9:27 pm

Shine a light,
Inside my mind,
Do you see my safety net?
Come inside?
See how strong its weave?
You are in it friend,
I knew you once,
You stayed here,
Though you left me alone,
I kept your kind words,
Look they are all here,
And what else is here?

The sound of whales,
The hue of dusk,
The feel of rain,
The taste of snow,
The smell of love,
The premonition of happiness.

When do I come here?
Every so often,
When the lights go out,
When I fall,
When I forget.

Then I admit I am afraid,
Of falling through,
Then there is nothing between me,
And nothingness,
But string,
My hands slip through,
Yes I am afraid,
Will I fall?

But I am still,
I listen,
I listen to the fear,
I hear the accuser,
I am afraid,
I fear,
Harsh brutality,
Those words that must be mine?
That belong to me,
More real now than any belief,
Of distant love.

But I breathe,
I wait,
I concentrate,
My safety-net,
My beautiful illusion,
I made it,
How perfect,
I spun it from your words,
That lasted long after,
You left me,
Long after,
I know you may have even forgotten me.

Now come and see,
Look the thread,
Take some,
Take some,
Look it is real,
It is made out of love,
I wove it with your kind words,
I embroidered it with my hopes,
Please take some,
Take some back with you,
To your own mind,
For when the lights go out,
Place it there,
Like a hammock,
Let it cradle you,
And be your strength,
Until dawn,
Make it real,
For love is not an illusion,
Love is within,
Love is real,
I gave it to you.

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