Aurelia's hijacked topic

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Aurelia's hijacked topic

Postby Aurelia5 » Mon May 25, 2009 5:05 pm

I get too confused with all the different catagories, topics in those catagories, and threads in those topics. I'll write to someone, forget where I'm writing from, and then lose the letter.

So, from now on, I'm answering here, and if anyone wants to write to me, write to me here.

No, you can't teach an old lady new tricks.

Last edited by Aurelia5 on Sat May 30, 2009 3:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Postby Aurelia5 » Mon May 25, 2009 5:56 pm

Well, I managed to send a PM. But to myself. Not you. WHY IS THIS SO %^**^%@$(^%*&^^(_(*& :evil: :evil: :evil: HARD?

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Postby Aurelia5 » Mon May 25, 2009 6:57 pm

Such a SWEET note. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

One way I deal with it which I don't believe in but do anyway, is to just not think about the possible future. It's the only way I can handle it. But also, Brad says the Cymbalta is a major contributor. He says there is no way I could handle all this without it. From my point of view, I just feel sort of calm. Not lithium-zombie calm, just . . .calm.

But I can certainly tell you, this forum is currently helping me immensely (thank you, dictionary!). Because right now during the day I hurt too much to do much of anything, and normally I would just play cards or read. Sometimes take an absurdly painful walk in the name of exercise.

Brad and I have been using books as our way to take our minds off of our minds. We'd be lost without them. He also found that other forum I told you about -, but god! what a bunch of grouches!! Brad is on there as Quincy. That site is all info and talk about drugs, and he and I post in the Living with Pain part. I think that's what it's called. But if you ever have any question about a drug, especially a pain med, that's the place to go. Some of those guys go so far as to try all the different manufacturers of a certain drug, like Percoset, and compare them. They get into these lengthy conversations about one vs the other. I told Brad to tell one guy he was a drug sommelier. He said things like "Very mellow, with slight headache after initial rush". I'm recruiting a lady from over there to here. She is really sweet and will fit in here perfectly. Hopefully I'll talk her into visiting tonight. I don't remember her screen name though.

About 15 or so years ago, my mother was dying of Alzheimers and I was running a business my father bought from his best friend as a last ditch effort at some sort of income. He was way to old to work at it except for certain things, and so I took over. At this time Brad was very successful at his thing - professional picture framer - and he was supporting me while I was trying to support my octogenarian parents. It was bloody hell, and I finally had a breakdown and Brad took on that job as well.
We manufactured stretcher bars - you put four of them together and stretch canvas over them for a painting. It was how I met him actually. But what I am so longwindedly getting at here is that taking care of your mother is one of the hardest things imaginable. You get terrific kudos for doing it. I couldn't even handle it. I got my sister to do it while I tried to bring in money. She was good at it. I would go in and see Mother - she was a vegetable by then, and then I would go outside and just cry for 15 minutes. We couldn't afford outside help and Social Security in the US is a cruel joke. So Brad supported us and them til she died and Daddy remarried a couple years later. This is one of the many things that makes Brad and absolute hero.

I know how hard that is, and I know how hard it is when you're clinically depressed. You're a really strong person to be able to do it. (Yet another reason not to hate yourself!) You can cry on my shoulder about that anytime. I'll certainly be able to relate and be there for you.

Now I'm going to get all pilled up with lots of painkillers and muscle relaxers and anti-inflammitories and suffer through a shower. The fibromyalgia also makes temperature changes painful, but getting in the tub is even harder because of my back. (four letter word strarting with f that rhymes with truck) X 3.

So nice to have you to talk to.

But I'm worried about Ken. He's having a hard time with his drug change and I can't find any recent posts of his. If you find him before I do, tell him I'm worried.

Amy - you too. And you just butt right in on these conversations anytime you want. We love having you in the room with us.

I talk too much.


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Postby Aurelia5 » Mon May 25, 2009 7:20 pm

Well hi Aaron!

You poor guy. I know how you feel. I was invisible all during high school and was really depressed alot of the time. I was just ignored like I was the plague.

It sounds like you can go walk around where you are. Is that right? Is your school in town and you can just cruise around and look in shops and such, or are you out away from everything?

Give us a little more background and we can help you more. But most of all, you now have a whole pile of new friends that will be here for you ANY time you write. Write about anything. You can just say hi, and we'll write back.

We're here for you.


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Postby Aurelia5 » Mon May 25, 2009 7:24 pm


Are you ok? I miss you.

You could ask your doc about Compazine. It is an antihistamine that is specifically for nausia. Any antihistamine will help get rid of nausia, but that one won't make you sleepy. It just makes the nausia go away. It's a thought.

Hug and kiss and tuck you into bed.


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Postby Aurelia5 » Tue May 26, 2009 1:02 am

Georgia -

Oh my goodness girl, what happened? I've never seen, in my big three weeks here, such a long, unhappy post from you. I don't really know much about you except that you're really sweet and welcoming to everyone that stops in. You and Jeanne made me feel sooooo good when I first came in.
So if I can, I would LOVE to return some of that sweetness, is there anything you want to explain? Like that awful man that was gone when you came back from vacation? I had that happen once. I got sick for several weeks and when I finally got out of it, the boyfriend was, and had been, with another girl. I'd be happy to help you think about stringing him up, if that would make you feel better. There are soooo many things you can do with good, high quality, nylon rope. . .
You poor thing. You sound so sad. I really know nothing about you. Age, marital status, location etc. etc. If you want to tell me any of that I'd love to write back. And our other friends here will jump in too. This is the nicest place on the internet; the people here make me really feel good. We are all here for you. Just start writing.
You can post here, since I have such a hard time finding my way around. I think other people stop in here to see what's what also.

But in the meantime, my heart goes out to you. Hope to hear from you.


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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Tue May 26, 2009 3:46 am

((((((((((((((((((((((( Aurelia5 )))))))))))))))))))))))

No matter where you post I will find you!!! Now aren't you sorry you mentioned my name? LOL

You gave me reason to smile, and that just is so little in my life right now. I don't have a blog, I don't open up about myself to others, just the way I am. I do write in a journal, here at home. Let's hope no one ever finds and reads it.

Live alone, except for my cat, Ebony. Have had him since he was 8 days old, guess I am 'Mommy' to him. He is big and plays rough, got the scars to prove it.

As you probably figured out I do the Warmsoul's Corner. Thought if I could give others a brief smile, chuckle or laugh then perhaps that might help. In the chat room when I can be, and read as much if not all of the post here in the forums.

So glad you found us, and please keep posting. I may not reply to every post, but you can bet I do read them.

Take care of yourself and hope to hear from you soon.

((((((((((((( Aurelia ))))))))))))))))))))))))) just another hug coming your way.


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Postby georgiapeach » Tue May 26, 2009 11:35 am

(((((((((((((( aurelia ))))))))))))))))))))
here's a bit more about me for you. im 18 female, live with my mom and am about 32 wks pregnant. my name should give my location away lol, im in Georgia. im originally from NY but moved to be with my mother who is in need of a heart transplant and suffers from CHF (congestive heart failure incase you dont know what it means). so back to my post, i dont really post to to much and when i do it tends to be when i've let things inside me build up way to much, im quite famous for that according to my family. they know all the warning signs for when im a bomb shell ready to blow. i get these pink triangles under my eyes and that pretty much means back off and leave me alone, or it wont be a pretty day. which sucks cuz i hate them. i've been struggling alot between my ex leaving me and my stepfathers death. at times i feel like its my fault he's dead cuz i knew he had heart issues but wanted to make sure mom was ok b4 he took care of himself. that was his number 1 priority was my mom. i mean he loved her to death, no lie, but i have to admit im kinda happy he passed away the way he did and when he did. he did all the things he wanted to the night before he was gone plus he went in his sleep which made the heart attack less painful for him. he had a broken back but never stopped going, he was like the engergizer bunny, he just kept going and going and going. its the only way he could manage his pain that he was in. so basically, back to the point im getting to, my ex left me on the 6 month anniversary of his death while i was on vacation visiting my mom for christmas (2008). i was devistated, but now im almost over it. i just feel used by them and its painful. there is just so much more that i have to deal with. so when i went back to my empty apartment it was just me and my cat... so i packed up in 3 weeks and moved back home with my mom to help her out. ofcourse my family up in NY arent to happy about it but they still support whatever i do. i move a lot and cant seem to stay in place. i've always been bounced around since i was little and its become a lifestyle for me. but now that i have a son on the way, its time for peachy to settle down (yes i just refered to myself in the thrid person... lol). so thats basically it hope you get this! *hugs* and ty for everything

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thought id visit your new place

Postby xn728 » Tue May 26, 2009 4:20 pm

hey girl hows it going ,im realy low just now i am angry , sick ,and i want
to be nasty verbally so im not staying long ,i want to destroy my new friendships ,why , dont know ,i think its like self harm ,i feel like just
screaming obsenatys ,the doctor said i must keep taking lithium .and cymbalta ,and i will be ok ,, does that include feeling like a loony ,i like your idea with this rock ,i will post you here from now on ,the threads are
getting overwelming now ,the meds will work im sure ,im quite amused by
my newfound anger i think it becomes me ,,,,,,,,after all i am the devil

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Postby Aurelia5 » Tue May 26, 2009 4:50 pm


I'm sooooo glad to hear from you. I missed you terribly. I'm sad to hear about your wanting to rip someone to shreds -but I've got a great fix for it. My husband Brad spends his days on Pharmer. org in the Chronic pain catagory I think it is. The whole site is about prescription drugs. So if I were you I'd go there just to see what they say about the combo you're on now. But the other thing is, is that it is a very grouchy bunch of people - the exact opposite of us here. Brad is on there as Quincy. He is currently having a war with a lady who calls herself Dr. Lois. They don't think she's a real doctor because she makes so many mistakes. They have these odd moderators that jump right into the action sometimes, and edit you for the strangest things. No dirty words, obviously, but Brad got 'clam' yanked the other day when he said someone was 'happy as a clam'. Go cruise that site or sign up and rip someone a new one. Then come back to us so we can tend your wounds.

But the thing that I really loved was the 'share of her life' that you're not willing to give up, and neither are the rest of us shareholders. That was so beautiful and true. I just loved that.

Did I tell you about Compazine for the nausia? It's fine to take with Cymbalta, but I'm not sure about the lithium.

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO glad you're back, even if you are in a foul mood. I missed you.


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hey girl how you doing

Postby xn728 » Tue May 26, 2009 5:02 pm

ive got my sun glasses on ,if we keep meeting here like this people will talk ,here in your log cabin .lol , im ok cant add anymore meds ,i might
turn into the hulk ,have you found the photos yet , go to top of the page
click on gallery , then go to little box on right hand of screen and click
on media gallery .this will bring up a list click on pets ,and look through the pages ,,give it a try , i will catch you later hope your ok ,will see you hear in future then ,i wear differant disciuses , tommorrow i come as a nasty obnoctious man ,same as today really , good idea to come here
well thought up ,ill give aim a mention here ,hi amy hope your ok
ill see you soon ,hope your well ,im ok feeling deviliss ,,,,,,KEN
so Aurelia i,ll see you soon ,tommorrow ,,,KEN

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hey there aurelia looked at that web site

Postby xn728 » Tue May 26, 2009 5:52 pm

hi aurelia i looked at the site your hubby uses i saw a couple of quincys
postings ,he sounds very knolegable and proffesional ,pheraps hes the real quincy and your keeping it quiet ,lol ,i think i will register on there tommorrow ,bye for now , goodnight 10.52pm here KEN ,,,,,,

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Postby Aurelia5 » Tue May 26, 2009 5:53 pm


You poor thing. So many bundles on your back. Telling me your age and life description make it easier for me to understand what you're going through. And what you're going through is a hell of a lot.

Without disecting your life, let me tell you from experience, when I was your age and moving every six months and having an unfaithful boyfriend and ALL that, I finally got older and it all got easier. And with the baby, I think you're going to be too busy to even think about depressing things!

I wish you well. Thank you for welcoming so nicely. I'll be here, if you need me.


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Postby Aurelia5 » Tue May 26, 2009 5:57 pm

Sorry Peachy and everyone -

My computer goes sooooo sloooooow so I hit submit twice to get it going and it posts twice.

I bet the moderators are rolling on the floor laughing.


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Postby Aurelia5 » Tue May 26, 2009 6:03 pm


I'm trying to find the pix of Ken and the ferrets. He said to go Gallery then to Media, but there is no Media. How do I get there?


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