What if...

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What if...

Postby Tealeaves » Wed May 05, 2021 4:00 am

What if...

The reason your mind is telling you,

that you can't do something or do not want to do something
Is because,
you don't need to.

It's a defense mechanism that your mind is using, in order to protect you. Kind of like; you can't fail, if you never try. Your mind is trying to stick to basics; meaning; only what It needs to. Need, like life or death need. It may sound silly but, the reason you can't do the dishes; is because; you don't need to. Like a normal person; your answer will be yes; because, like a normal person; you know dirty dishes are...well,dirty; so yes, you need to clean them. But ask yourself this, do you actually need a clean dish right now? Are there paper plates?
Will you stop breathing, if you don't do the dishes...no. Then no, you don't need to do them. Because your mind is calling the shots and not you; you have to be sneaky, you have to look for the answer underneath the other answers. Remember, it's trying to protect you; so it's going to hide it from you.

The next time you feel that feeling, ask yourself; do I need to...life or death; do I need to?

Chuck Wood
Posts: 18
Joined: Thu Aug 20, 2020 6:32 pm

Re: What if...

Postby Chuck Wood » Thu May 06, 2021 6:34 pm

Valid points you make there. I agree that the basics we are forced to do to be healthy can feel imposible though we have done it many times before. I believe there are many variations of what can trigger these emotions. As long as we have the will and aim in a healthy direction we can grow and learn how to not care as much even with our pains we may feel.

Posts: 75
Joined: Wed May 05, 2021 3:54 am

Re: What if...

Postby Tealeaves » Sat May 08, 2021 8:16 am

Thank you Mr. Wood

There is a lot more to it but It's something I've been working on for awhile now; just haven't been able to build the confidence to say it. Case in point, look how long it took me to reply to you; I'm still surprised that I am. I usually run and hide.

I call it my theory; even though that's not the correct way to refer to it. I'm going to use it to; hopefully; help others. Again, I surprised myself, because I started answering other people's forums. I'm not a doctor but, I like to help; so I started helping. Only problem is, some of the forums are from 2014; they'll probably never respond.

I won't bore you with all the details; just wanted to say thank you for noticing me. You gave me just an ounce more of confidence, I didn't have before.

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