Irritating sounds? How do you guys deal with them?

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Irritating sounds? How do you guys deal with them?

Postby Panda » Sun Oct 29, 2017 11:32 am


I'm sure I'm not the only one with this problem, when a sound irritates you so much you could smash anything just to stop it.
In my case it's whistling. It doesn't matter who does it, if I like the person or not, anyone who whistle it irritates me so much it drives me to the verge of a panic attack. I can't really do anything about it, I tried to close it out, but I can't even hear my own thoughts when someone is whistling. (And whenever I ask them to stop it, even if I explain them why, their answer is 'I don't give a shit' and continues it.)
If anyone here familiar with this, can I ask some tips? I really don't know how to deal with this...

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Re: Irritating sounds? How do you guys deal with them?

Postby sleepyhead » Sun Oct 29, 2017 9:00 pm

Omg, I thought it was just me. Whistling irritates me so much! The sound of the phone ringing, knives and forks scratching against plates, motorcycles, cars with loud engines, I could go on. I know I am super sensitive but I have yet to figure out how to let those sounds happen without wanting to punch stuff. Maybe deep breathing and repeating a mantra would help a little. My dad’s favourite was always, “This, too, shall pass.”

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Re: Irritating sounds? How do you guys deal with them?

Postby GraceH » Tue Oct 31, 2017 12:17 am

sleepyhead wrote:Omg, I thought it was just me. Whistling irritates me so much! The sound of the phone ringing, knives and forks scratching against plates, motorcycles, cars with loud engines, I could go on. I know I am super sensitive but I have yet to figure out how to let those sounds happen without wanting to punch stuff. Maybe deep breathing and repeating a mantra would help a little. My dad’s favourite was always, “This, too, shall pass.”

I thought it was just me. Loud music, barking dog, screaming children, motors, engines, smacking on chewing gum has made me get off a bus and wait for another one! There is a name for this though, and it is connected to depression/anxieties... I hate noise, and wish I could tolerate it because I live in a big loud hard city. Thanks for posting!

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Re: Irritating sounds? How do you guys deal with them?

Postby nanodayo » Thu Apr 26, 2018 6:17 am

I have Sensory Processing Disorder, so I completely understand what you’re going through; any sound that I think is even slightly unpleasant or too loud, I’ll feel hostile or extremely distressed. One time, at a party, I just sat in the corner and plugged my ears with my fingers and put my head in my lap because I was so overwhelmed with all of the noise. Unfortunately, I don’t just have problems with sounds. Certain bright lights are overwhelming, certain smells are overwhelming, certain textures make my skin crawl, and I am extremely picky about what I eat because of my sensitivities. So I completely get it; glad to know I’m not completely crazy.

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Re: Irritating sounds? How do you guys deal with them?

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Thu Jun 04, 2020 2:47 pm

Panda wrote:Hello!

I'm sure I'm not the only one with this problem, when a sound irritates you so much you could smash anything just to stop it.
In my case it's whistling. It doesn't matter who does it, if I like the person or not, anyone who whistle it irritates me so much it drives me to the verge of a panic attack. I can't really do anything about it, I tried to close it out, but I can't even hear my own thoughts when someone is whistling. (And whenever I ask them to stop it, even if I explain them why, their answer is 'I don't give a shit' and continues it.)
If anyone here familiar with this, can I ask some tips? I really don't know how to deal with this...

The only way you can deal with this issue is to confront it. And practice getting used it to im sory to say. However whistling is quite rare, its not done very often. Its actually extremely rare. Im 33 years old ive probably heard people whistle less than 10 times in my whole life. It isnt done for long either.

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