I am feeling like s***

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I am feeling like s***

Postby Justastar » Fri May 12, 2017 9:54 pm

:( For the past 6 days I've been feeling horrible. I can't do my daily maintenance plan, I can't shower, I can't go outside, my blogging and other goals are suffering. I just feel like complete s***. I need a friend right now and some real help. I can't do this alone. :(

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Re: I am feeling like s***

Postby Helloraspberries1 » Sun May 14, 2017 1:31 pm

Hi there, nice to meet you.

I'm sorry your feeling down. Has something happened for you to feel down? Are you stressed with work, family or life in general? If so have you thought about antidepressants? Depending on what kind of help and advice you need it's maybe worth looking into some type of medicine what can help you right now with how your feeling. Seeing your doctor might be a first step.

Hope that helps

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Re: I am feeling like s***

Postby CitM » Tue May 30, 2017 12:44 pm

Influenza? A mild case of the flu can be mild enough to not even hit your 'physical radar' but impact you mentally. I've had cases where I had a cold, and then it was like it took longer for me to gather the energy afterwards to do anything for a couple a days to a week.

Push fluids, lots of good soup and get plenty of rest. Stop feeling guilty and see if it is indeed a physical related cause.

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