forgiveness. ????

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forgiveness. ????

Postby BALRPwl2016 » Mon Jun 06, 2016 5:42 pm

I feel it almost impossible to forgive. Forgive anyone...including myself. Big, small, it doesn't matter forgiving is not something I seem to be able to do. It has turned me bitter, angry and into someone I don't like or know.
Any insight? Advice? Thoughts or personal experiences?
I have tried and tired. I don't know what else to do but all this crap I keep holding onto is eating me up inside :(:(:*(

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Postby defeated » Sat Jun 11, 2016 1:27 pm

Hey there,

Forgiveness is hard, regardless if its someone else or yourself. I find personally that I have a harder time being able to forgive if there is still anger involved. What has helped me in the past is trying to accept things as they are and then I can move on to forgiveness. It's almost like you need to have no emotional business with the situation, or as little as possible, to be able to move on to forgiveness. It's definitely hard to do so please don't be so hard on yourself during this process. Are you seeking counseling at this time?


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Postby AvalonMyst » Sat Jun 11, 2016 2:08 pm

I have a hard time sometimes forgiving my self.

In some cases in forgiving others, I had to realize that I can forgive yet also realize perhaps that person is not good for me as far as being in my life. Like you can forgive and let them go on their own path.

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