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Joined: Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:22 pm


Postby JustCallMeB » Sat Sep 12, 2015 10:42 pm

This past month has been rough for me. I found out on October 15th that I had a small form of cancer. On October 22nd, my parents decided after 17 years of marriage, that they can no longer stand each other and decided to get divorced. and now, this past Thursday, my bestfriend died on her way to school in a car crash. I believe this is the lowest I have ever hit. does it get better?

Posts: 143
Joined: Wed Nov 12, 2014 12:43 pm

Postby nenkohai2 » Mon Sep 14, 2015 10:21 am

Time. It WILL heal wounds. But it will take a lot of time. For now, take care of yourself. Get up in the mornings and do your stuff... school, work, whatever that is. Maybe even consider letting a trusted teacher know that you're going through a bad time and that you may need some consideration (for being distracted or late homework, etc.)

I know that at a young age time seems to move so slowly. So, healing may seem like its taking forever. But, rest assured, it IS happening.

Wishing you all best and hope


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