not sure. warning

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not sure. warning

Postby Jack » Sun Apr 27, 2008 8:30 am

not sure if this appropriate. I new here.
I am having some pretty bad thoughts. I have just taken a few meds to make me feel a little less strung out, a few is an understatement. No i hav'nt tried to OD but i have taken alot.

Can you want to take an OD but not be depressed,do you think?

Hate this rolllercoaster. one day i feel fine the next down and then a few days later up again. I have had enough :x

Sorry hope this doesn't upset anyone.


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Postby Warmsoul/Jeanie13 » Sun Apr 27, 2008 10:24 am


Thank you for typing here. There are no professional people here, just those with depression, anxiety and other things that life throws at us to deal with.

The only suggestion I can give is to please seek professional advice. Whether it be from your general practitioner and/or up.

This 'rollercoaster' can be more than a person can honestly deal with alone. You haven't upset anyone. It is not always easy to speak up, express yourself.

Stay strong and please seek that help from those with the proper training.

Warmie/Jeanie 8)

Just so you know Jack, there is a chat room connected with this forum. Feel free to join and get to know the others. All good caring people.

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