Spring -- Plant a Garden?

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Spring -- Plant a Garden?

Postby BillHicksFan » Fri Apr 20, 2018 2:01 pm

If you can, why not?

First off, it's something to do... You can grow your own food, and you know what is in it (and what's NOT in it).. You can save money that way, too.... But I think even more important is watching the evolution, from seed to food you can survive on. Watching that daily progress gives you something to care about, and also an appreciation for your hard work. Aesthetically pleasing as well.

If you have tips, on what to grow, how to grow, etc etc., please reply, I'm sure someone reading would appreciate it.

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Re: Spring -- Plant a Garden?

Postby jennypa » Thu Jun 21, 2018 8:24 pm

Hi BillHicksFan,

Thank you for this wonderful insight. I can truly agree with you on this. I have always wanted to plant my own garden, but the thing is, I don't know how. So my goal is to watch it on you tube once in a while to learn how to have a green thumb.

Thanks once again,


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Re: Spring -- Plant a Garden?

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Thu Jun 04, 2020 2:41 pm

BillHicksFan wrote:If you can, why not?

First off, it's something to do... You can grow your own food, and you know what is in it (and what's NOT in it).. You can save money that way, too.... But I think even more important is watching the evolution, from seed to food you can survive on. Watching that daily progress gives you something to care about, and also an appreciation for your hard work. Aesthetically pleasing as well.

If you have tips, on what to grow, how to grow, etc etc., please reply, I'm sure someone reading would appreciate it.

As everything in this life, it takes patience, care and time and resources. All things you grow in the garden are the same, and run the same way.

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