Easy way out

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Easy way out

Postby QuercusRubra » Mon Sep 14, 2020 9:16 am

Dont even know if im "allowed" to talk like this on here but idc. Is there an easy, painless way to kill yourself? Apparently liver failure if fairly pain free, just makes you nauseous and sleepy, but havent found an easy way to trigger it. Obviously alchol will do it eventually but it takes a life time and im not trying to hang about that long. I get most people reading this will be horrified but this isnt a cry for help so please dont bother.

Princess Ninja
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Re: Easy way out

Postby Princess Ninja » Mon Sep 14, 2020 3:34 pm

Why do you want to kill yourself?

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Re: Easy way out

Postby useranonymous » Mon Sep 14, 2020 3:44 pm

what are your reasons. Or tell me to butt out your business. I don't think you should end your life but I know nothing about you and what's happened to you. I know you won't want to hear 'do you have anybody to talk to' as it probably sounds like a scratched record to you now. Maybe you need time to have fun, be selfish and wreckless and think about yourself. I'm not saying do bad things. But do something daring and extreme that makes you feel good like a sky jump or paragliding or skiing down a steep snowy mountain. Or bungee jump, even more terrifying. The thrill of the fear may turn into a positive for you so you appreciate life more. That's not me getting on at you though. Ive had many times I don't appreciate what I have. Spend the day at a theme park going on the scariest rollercoasters and buy coca cola and burgers and sweets. Who gives a dam. Have fun. But if you do ever want anybody to talk to, I don't know you but hell I'll talk to you :D

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Re: Easy way out

Postby useranonymous » Mon Sep 14, 2020 4:03 pm

Just to add, I guess if you don't get the jist of what I mean, do things that make you feel you may die which are not actually trying to kill yourself. I know it seems like weird advice If you try something really extreme and scary that could bring you close to death if it were to go wrong like a bungee jump, and you still feel the same then I guess you've made up your mind. I just think you should have at least one or two attempts to rethink your decision first

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Re: Easy way out

Postby CamGirl » Mon Sep 21, 2020 11:27 pm

useranonymous wrote: I just think you should have at least one or two attempts to rethink your decision first

Agree to this. No one is certain of tomorrow.

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