
Everyday life. How was your day?

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Postby lost-soul » Wed Aug 29, 2018 8:21 pm

Last edited by lost-soul on Wed Sep 19, 2018 1:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Golda Dilema
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Re: I feel like im just going through the motions in life.

Postby Golda Dilema » Wed Aug 29, 2018 11:09 pm

I feel sad for you. Life maybe complicated and burdensome but you are born to be happy and victorious.

You need to be happy once again. What are the things or activities that make you happy? So long as they won't do you any harm it will be good for you if you do them. Activities like eating your favorite foods, listening to good music, watching good films, exercise, doing hobbies, spending time with your friends and family, helping others and the like.

There is so much that life can offer you and there is so much to enjoy. So do everything you can to be happy. What are the things that you are good at? What are your talents? What do you love to do or enjoy doing?Picture yourself doing it and do it for it will make you happier and fulfilled. I am a person with bipolar and I love writing and so I write and it makes me happy. You can too. Strive to be happy.

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Re: I feel like im just going through the motions in life.

Postby Hephzibah » Thu Aug 30, 2018 9:00 pm

I'm very sorry for your situation. I remember I time in my life when I felt like I was stuck where you are now. I struggled with anxiety and depression and God knows what else most of my life. I felt like everything was wrong with me and I didn't fit in anywhere. I grew up in the church, but never saw my family or friends living a victorious "Christ like" life or have a "Christ like" attitude. I turned away from the church for many years. Then I ended up in Houston, TX. Being from the far north, the heat was so overwhelming! My first summer experiencing 100+ degree temps felt miserable, not to mention the AC in my car didn't work! When I got home from work I got whatever I could from the freezer-frozen peas, carrots-I didn't care-and put them on my head!The air seemed so awful I think I couldn't breathe for like the first month or so. I did appreciate the sunshine and not having to shovel snow before work just to get out my door :-) So the apartment complex I lived at was considered one of the worst in the area, but it was all I could afford. I had to move out after I got attacked by some guy there. I went from job to job and never seemed to be able to really get anywhere. I was also in an unhealthy relationship. When I finally reached the end of trying in my own strength I found a church that offered free counseling in my area and finally turned to my faith. I decided I would overcome my fear of Houston traffic and take myself to the largest church in the US. Joel always says give us a year of your life and you'll never be the same. I went to a shelter so I could put in my year instead of going home, got counseling, worked FT, and a year later I was not the same. I am now married to a wonderful man and even started taking some college classes. I was wondering have you found a counselor or tried any meds for the depression? I know how hard it is to try to support yourself, but maybe it would help to have someone to talk to? Have you tried taking any college classes? It was very hard for me to go back to school because I only got my GED and never applied myself in high school (which was 18 yrs ago) so I've only been able to take one or two classes at a time, but it feels good and its a start. I'm a firm believer that we were all given gifts and talents that will open the right doors for us. Maybe a counselor would be able to help you explore that for yourself? I'm going to start selling my baking at the farmers market and see where that goes. I'm glad all those jobs never worked out cause Id be still working for them and using my ideas and recipes for them instead of myself. The right people will come at the right time. I believe the Lord knew my weaknesses and gave me a husband that would be able to compliment me. He gave me counselors, and slowly brought the right friends into my life. No matter what your beliefs there is hope and there is a plan for your future. Sometimes we just need a little help to see that for ourselves. I'm praying for you <3

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Re: I feel like im just going through the motions in life.

Postby CamilaWillaims » Sat Sep 01, 2018 5:54 am

I understand your problem no matter what your beliefs there is hope and there is a plan for your future. Sometimes we just need a little help to see that for ourselves.Life maybe complicated and burdensome but you are born to be happy and victorious.All the best dear.

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Joined: Sun Apr 22, 2018 8:51 pm

Re: I feel like im just going through the motions in life.

Postby graceforeverandever » Thu Sep 06, 2018 6:24 am

Dear lost-soul, I’m truly sorry for what you’re going through. I am so sorry you are dealing with such a difficult situation. These forums are great for sharing burdens, and venting. There is always hope even in the most difficult moments of our lives. Please let me tell you that you are important valuable and a person worth of dignity. You do have a purpose in life and it is important that you discover what are you here for? Counseling works through things like this. You are valuable and worthy of fighting for. And I know from my experiences that sometimes we do not know how to handle suffering. Suffering is neither good nor bad. And if we embrace it we can allow our transformation into a better person. In spite of this situation let me tell you that you are important and valuable person and you are a person worth of dignity. Even if you do not want to believe what Christianity teaches, have you ever thought why Christ had to suffer for us? Please hang in there! Do not give up! I encourage you to persevere in all the things that you want to achieve. Things that are worthy are not easy. It requires being determine and perseverance. I encourage you to overcome all these obstacles and maybe in the near future you can take out the good of this situation that you have to deal with.. This list-ly is extremely important for you are going through: ... n-darkness. Please let me tell you my friend that you are not alone in this battle. . I hope this helps. Sending you hugs. I will keep you in my prayers, my friend. Keep us posted, Ok?

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