Exercise, Laughter, and Euphoria

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Exercise, Laughter, and Euphoria

Postby BillHicksFan » Fri Feb 02, 2018 11:46 am

Depression can be a result of a lack of euphoria, hence, not having the energy to do the things that make you feel better. Many people don't have money for exercise equipment, gym membership, etc.. Some don't have any place to go, some people don't feel comfortable leaving their house, so why not put some tips that work for you?

Sometimes, if a great song comes on, I'll dance along.. Even a 5-minute song is a heck of an exercise and might not feel like such a task, since you're moving along to something you already love....

When I leave my house, I turn the heat off, and when I come back, I don't notice it being cold because my body is much warmer with movement, exercise, circulation - even a short trip to the grocery store.

Ask yourself what makes you laugh; make a list.. For me, it's stand-up comedy, but I've laughed reading certain things, just a matter of finding them, and hopefully spreading ideas to others. Sometimes people just want to hear or see someone who reflects what they feel in their hearts, the feeling of "Someone feels the way I do".

Heck, make yourself laugh. Think of something funny. The real stories are usually the best, and work along with it.. Many times I find myself laughing for a while and it's quite the help.

If you take a look around your place, I'm sure there's something.

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Re: Exercise, Laughter, and Euphoria

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Wed Aug 12, 2020 1:38 pm

They say laughter is the best medicine, it is true, if a person feels really down, funny things can lift the spirits.

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