Stress. Heh.

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Stress. Heh.

Postby aceofspades » Wed Feb 15, 2012 3:21 am

Hooray for this being my first post besides my intro and story.

I don't know about others, but I often find that when I get stressed out I go back into my shell. Not a full-blown depressive episode, but I guess I'm scared of disappointment or something.

Friday, reports are going to my college advisor from my professors. Let's just say they aren't going to be good. I've skipped alot in one class. Why? I have no idea why. Sometimes I just feel I can only handle a little bit and that is that. I also got a D on my first paper, the first time in my life I've ever gotten below an A on an English assignment. The professor wrote some pretty scathing remarks on it, too. I've found I can't face him now. I feel like such a failure. I've kept my grade from everyone. My family is both very supportive but very critical when they want to be, such as in cases like this.

All I know is I've got to pull through. I don't know what I want out of life, but I do know I don't want to fail at college for the 4th time.

Anybody else having a similar experience? Have any techniques to help with the stress?

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If I did it...

Postby MooDang » Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:43 pm

I had a similar experience when I took introductory Physics: I got the lowest grade in the class. The professor wrote my grade on the board and circled it in red so everyone could see. I never went back after that day.

But in the end I had to retake it because it was required for graduation.

As for pulling through: I got my bachelor's two years ago.

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Postby Obayan » Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:04 am

Any time you are having difficulties it's always best to talk to a school advisor or the professor to see what options are available to you. Most schools and/or professors will make allowances for almost every type situation. They want to see you succeed, not fail and will try to help all they can to see that happen.

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Postby Hayzell » Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:40 pm

I'm going through a similar thing too. Retaking my first year of university, and starting to fall behind again. Sometimes it just feels like I've already done enough for a day or week, and can't bring myself just to go in to face the people who know I've been absent.

If I could take my own advice, I'd say taking any step to getting back to that class will be easier done sooner than later (even if it feels easier just to put it off right now). After all, the fewer times you've missed class, the easier it will be to put it back into your routine.

Have you thought about asking for one-to-one tuition? I explained to one lecturer how my depression was affecting my ability to manage my time and she arranged for me to see a tutor. I didn't need the support with any academic aspect, but keeping on top of my attendance and deadlines. I'm less likely to miss my appointments than I am everything else - I can't explain why, perhaps a feeling of more responsibility to go as it's time set aside for only me? This way if I do feel too overwhelmed to go sit in lecture with a bunch of other people or see teachers who are furious with me for not showing my face for a month or so, my tutor has all the information I need so I can return to that lecture the next week without being afraid that I've missed something important or am unprepared or failing.

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