Want to feel alive again~

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Want to feel alive again~

Postby kyoung49 » Wed Feb 07, 2018 5:53 pm

Hi everyone,
I just wanted to say I am very new to this forum and was a little nervous about joining but I am so happy I did. Sharing our most vulnerable side ( at least for me) has been a challenge!
As I was reading through some of the posts I felt very inspired. So much compassion and respect to others suffering!!!
I made a decision today to start to try, I mean really try to “LIVE AGAIN”. I haven’t wanted to take medication for my depression as I had a really negative reaction before but realized not all meds are the same so I need to try it again! I have Hashimoto’s so my depression is triggered when im chemically imbalanced! So I reached out to my doctor and we are making a plan!
I know the journey is long and it’s not a quick fix by any means but I can’t waste any more precious moments of this life! We are ALL worthy of a happy and healthy life!!!
I plan to keep sharing my story and hope to inspire others along the way! Thank you from the bottom of my ❤️...Many Blessings to you all!

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Re: Want to feel alive again~

Postby Olive » Thu Feb 08, 2018 7:01 pm


:) good for you!

It’s wonderful to hear you’ve gotten to a point where you are able and ready to start taking steps towards health and wellness. It isn’t always easy to make that decision. I dreaded it actually last time around.

You are indeed worthy of happiness :) and you’re worth fighting for so keep at it ^.^

I look forward to reading your updates :) and as always, be kind to yourself. In my experience the road to health is not often a straight line and I frustrate myself, but I just try to give myself the empathy I would any stranger and it makes me feel a little better.

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Re: Want to feel alive again~

Postby pam4him » Sun Feb 11, 2018 4:15 pm

First, welcome. So glad you feel safe sharing here. This is a safe place for those dark moments. Second, Kudos on talking with your doctor. Be honest about side effects to help determine the right medication for you. Chemical imbalance induced suicide can sometimes be helped with balanced diet, mild to moderate exercise, staying hydrated, reducing intake of fried foods. Not to compare my depression to yours, just wanted to offer some tips for what helped me. Stay strong friend.

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Re: Want to feel alive again~

Postby cricket » Thu Feb 15, 2018 10:54 am

You could try something like Magnolia. Some people use to handle their depressions. It is a natural health supplement which has mood lifting and calming down as its main effect. A few you people from my therapy group bought it on a online shop and tried it out, and said it were quite good. However for me it was not the right thing. Although i felt a bit better, it was not what i was looking for. But giving it a try (talk to a doctor before!) should be ok.

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Re: Want to feel alive again~

Postby clericartman » Wed Jan 16, 2019 8:05 pm

You may want to try Modafinil. I've used it during my darkest hours after a period of taking Xanax to treat the effects. Xanax did nothing to get me on my feet and find meaning in life. Depression can be a bummer in the sense that you lose that sense of purpose and enjoyment in things. You're left with a hole... at least that's how it was for me. Modafinil gave me the necessary motivation and energy boost, which I think is caused mostly by dopamine modulation. It's not forced, though... I didn't crash. It's gentle and that's exactly what I needed... a gentle nudge to help me "seize the day", so to speak. Try it, maybe it will help!

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Re: Want to feel alive again~

Postby heavyheart38 » Fri Jan 18, 2019 1:40 am

The title for this thread is exactly what I desperately need. Im beginning to get the symptoms of becoming immune to my meds, Nortriptyline, I've already become immune to citilopram and one other med I can't remember. I take a healthy dose of Lithium, pryodoxine and magnesium (for sleep and excruciating leg cramps). Beginning of last year I had the nortriptyline dose increased to maximum. Starting to get testy, angry and teary for no reason. So ( this is without docs knowledge) I'd like to try something natural to supplement the meds. I'm open to suggestion...

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