A little about me

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A little about me

Postby inneedofhelp » Sun Jun 09, 2013 1:14 am

I am a 35yr old divorced( and remarried now) mother of three beautiful children and one beautiful stepdaughter. I have been dealing with depression on my own and trying my best to hide it from everyone since my divorce in 03. With recent things happening in my life right now I think it's the worst I have ever had it. I need help with the hurt I;m feeling in my heart I want the depression to go away but I don't pills to help it I want help naturally. Please can anyone help me with suggestions??

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Postby fallen » Sun Jun 09, 2013 8:32 pm

hypnotherapy,vitamins especially b's and vitamin d if you don't get enough sun ,protein, minimize sugar intake, exercise i.e a walk in nature. meditation, watch good comedies .appreciate the small things in life, a good coffee, good food. aim for contentment not happiness it is easier to attain. eat lots of vegetables[they have lots of vitamins and minerals in them] and don't forget to drink water.
take care and never give up.

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Location: UK

Postby jj » Mon Jul 15, 2013 7:27 pm

what about some sort of talking therapy? its helped me come on leaps and bounds. can you identify what caused the depression or contributed to it? if its to do with the divorce then i think therapy could help you a lot. well i think therapy can help anyone a lot, if thats something available to you

keep strong

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Location: Pennsylvania

Postby Frame » Mon Jul 15, 2013 8:25 pm

All good things above. Sorry I missed this post: I think I joined after.

I'd like to add one more thing. I get my ass out of bed every morning between 5:45 and 6:15 (actually my cats get me up; they refuse not to be fed. But let's not go into the various styles of alarm clocks.) It's essential to keep a stable sleep schedule. My sister moved in six months ago (depressed) and we have struggled, ever since, over her not getting up in the morning. She's making little progress on most fronts.

We must be able to rest. We must get proper sleep. We MUST be awake, to get tired, to able sleep. Feeling down and thus laying in bed till you feel better is the anti-solution. I all to often, get up feeling like I want the world to end; often in extends into the day, but I'm awake (irritable, but awake) and thus when I go to bed I sleep. This has not always been the case even under less stressful periods. And I think this may one way I keep much more serious illness at bay.

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