Husband, baby, depression, meds, help!

Depression/anxiety may have touched your family, your friends, yourself; what helps you to deal with it? Sharing is caring!

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Husband, baby, depression, meds, help!

Postby HopelesslyHopeful » Tue May 03, 2016 12:18 am

Last Fall I delivered our baby girl - then spent the next 38 days in the hospital fighting for my life. My husband witnessed my Sudden Cardiac Arrest - was down for 5 mins and had to be shocked back to life. Now I have a rare heart condition and my husband has PTSD, depression, anxiety, and adjustment disorder. He quit this six figure job and won't leave the house without me. We used to go to therapy together but it wasn't very helpful and he refuses to go on his own. He's on depression and anxiety meds which make him tired, angry, and irrational. He's switched meds prob 6 times trying to get it right. I'm trying to deal with my own health issues, be the sole financial supporter, and take care of a 8 month old. I coast through each day just trying to stay strong but I feel like I'm getting weaker. I need to travel for my job but feel guilty bc of my daughter and bc my husband has panic attacks. Can anyone relate to this? I was always so positive but I feel like I'm under a dark cloud with no light in sight.

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Postby 100footpole » Wed May 04, 2016 12:01 pm

Hi HopelesslyHopeful,

I've got no advice, except to say that you are doing the right things ... keep on looking for people to give you the support you need.

Have you talked with your old therapist about how to approach this problem? Is the PTSD job related? There are support groups for the partners too ...

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Re: Husband, baby, depression, meds, help!

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Fri Jun 05, 2020 1:56 pm

HopelesslyHopeful wrote:Last Fall I delivered our baby girl - then spent the next 38 days in the hospital fighting for my life. My husband witnessed my Sudden Cardiac Arrest - was down for 5 mins and had to be shocked back to life. Now I have a rare heart condition and my husband has PTSD, depression, anxiety, and adjustment disorder. He quit this six figure job and won't leave the house without me. We used to go to therapy together but it wasn't very helpful and he refuses to go on his own. He's on depression and anxiety meds which make him tired, angry, and irrational. He's switched meds prob 6 times trying to get it right. I'm trying to deal with my own health issues, be the sole financial supporter, and take care of a 8 month old. I coast through each day just trying to stay strong but I feel like I'm getting weaker. I need to travel for my job but feel guilty bc of my daughter and bc my husband has panic attacks. Can anyone relate to this? I was always so positive but I feel like I'm under a dark cloud with no light in sight.

He should not be switching medications, doing that can make symptoms worse. The doctor should not be permitting this. He could of tried high dosages. Depending on what heart condition you have its possible to find a remedy to make it easier on you. Exercise and carbohydrates are good for the heart. Live healthy will help you mentally and physically. Tell the doctor everything and get his advice on your husband.

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