My sister

Depression/anxiety may have touched your family, your friends, yourself; what helps you to deal with it? Sharing is caring!

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My sister

Postby TaschapP » Fri Feb 19, 2016 12:24 pm

I found out recently that my little sister is what I believe to be depressed. I have told her that she needs to see a doctor, and tell the rest of our family. She has repeatedly assured me she will, however I am doubtful. This morning she sent me a letter expressing suicidal thoughts, and generally saying that she felt really bad, and she told me she wants to send the letter our parents also. When i asked her when, she said in her own time, and i can't rush her, but I'm soooooo worried about her, I don't want to keep this to myself, I'm worried she's not going to say anything until it's too late, and I know this stuff she told me. I told her this, and she said that I can't rush her into telling them, and if I tell them, then she'll stop speaking to me. I seriously don't know what to do. I want to tell my parents, but I don't want to go against her wishes, I don't want to make things worse by upsetting her. Someone please help.

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Postby nenkohai2 » Fri Feb 19, 2016 12:48 pm

Your sister has threatened herself and then asks that you not tell anyone. She herself crossed the line and in my view, you must act without hesitation. The threshold, in my book, is threatening ones' self.

Go to your parents and tell them in the best way you can. You can TELL your sister what you're doing before hand, but don't open it for discussion.

She stepped over the line - she needs help. Please give her the help she needs. Explain it to her afterwards.

Good luck to you

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Postby TaschapP » Fri Feb 19, 2016 12:55 pm

Thankyou so much.

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Postby CitM » Sat Feb 20, 2016 11:46 am

Take the letter to your parents if they are still alive and to the pediatrician. Both steps will assure that your sister will get the help that she needs. Also, see if there is a support group at school for self esteem or some other related topic. See if you can get her friends to go 'check it out' once.

Also, you might clue the clergy in at whatever church, temple or place of worship your family attends if they do. Usually they have a youth program which can help her feel like part of something good.

If you feel she is over scheduled, perhaps recommend a 'sisters night out' and do some really fun things and sit and listen to her as well that evening.

All of these can help. NAMI which is a national organization for mental health recovery might have more ideas on their websites.

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Re: My sister

Postby Prycejosh1987 » Fri Jun 05, 2020 2:01 pm

TaschapP wrote:I found out recently that my little sister is what I believe to be depressed. I have told her that she needs to see a doctor, and tell the rest of our family. She has repeatedly assured me she will, however I am doubtful. This morning she sent me a letter expressing suicidal thoughts, and generally saying that she felt really bad, and she told me she wants to send the letter our parents also. When i asked her when, she said in her own time, and i can't rush her, but I'm soooooo worried about her, I don't want to keep this to myself, I'm worried she's not going to say anything until it's too late, and I know this stuff she told me. I told her this, and she said that I can't rush her into telling them, and if I tell them, then she'll stop speaking to me. I seriously don't know what to do. I want to tell my parents, but I don't want to go against her wishes, I don't want to make things worse by upsetting her. Someone please help.

Go against her wishes and give the letter to your parents. If she followed through, you would have deep regret and remorse. You would be saying what if. Talk to your parents and give them the letter.

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